< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - joi, 30 noiembrie 2006

NATO involvement in the protection of the energetic infrastructure

Energetic security is important for Europe, and NATO must develop a dialogue on this topic with its partners in the region so as to identify solutions to protect the energetic infrastructure, President Traian Basescu stated in his address at the NATO Summit in Riga.

He insisted on the fact that "energy must not turn into a factor of political pressure". "Solidarity is essential. An intense political dialogue among allies regarding all the relevant subjects is mandatory to accomplish the NATO objectives", Basescu added. He pointed out that: "the NATO-EU co-operation is a field in which we must do much more. Both at this table and within EU, Romania will keep on doing its best to contribute to a much tighter co-operation between the two organizations sharing not only several objectives, but also a great responsibility". The head of the Romanian State reminded that threats in the extended region of the Black Sea were various, and grouped them into 3 categories: old threats - frozen conflicts, violations of the sovereignty of the states and the presence of foreign troops; recent threats - arms, narcotics and persons traffic, international terrorism) and, last but not least, the newest type of threats - export of undemocratic practices or one way oriented and unilateral economic pressures. (Anca HRIBAN)

Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=212059&data=2006-11-30