< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - luni, 17 aprilie 2006


PSD's score is poorest

Mircea Geoana's party has reached the lowest rate in polls ever: only 20,9% Romanians would vote for it. In the latest opinion poll by the GSS (Social Studies Group), the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) would not even get half of votes as compared to the PNL (National Liberal Party)-PD (Democrat Party) Alliance, since the latter has got 43,8%. (...)

Most people (43,3%) think Mircea Geoana should lead the PSD, as he is thought to be best fit for it. But most PSD adepts (54,4%) believe Ion Iliescu should be the leader and only 27,3% claim Geoana is a good choice.

Although most people claim Adrian Nastase's resignation has helped the party improve, they don't think Mircea Geoana is a powerful leader, able to control crisis. (...)

Basescu-Tariceanu: A notorious conflict

As for relations within the PNL-PD Alliance, the PD seems to be at real advantage in case of elections. Almost three quarters of Romanians believe there is a conflict between Romanian president Traian Basescu and PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu and most of them opine it favors the head of state. The president of Romania is still the most trusted public personality, as half of the population express appreciation for him. Mona Musca, Theodor Stolojan, Mircea Geoana and new entry Gigi Becali come next. (...)

Little satisfaction

The Romanian Executive is not exactly appreciated, as almost a half of Romanians opine they are unable to rule the state. Romanians are little satisfied with the Executive's activity in various fields. As for trust, the Parliament, the Executive and political parties enjoy little, as compared to early this year.


Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=198028&data=2006-04-17