< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - vineri, 13 ianuarie 2006


Watch Romania's borders!

The bird flu crisis in Turkey made Romanian president Traian Basescu ask the Executive in yesterday's meeting to take preventive measures at Romania's borders to detect eventual people carrying the bird flu virus, says press release from Romanian Presidency. (...)

Romanian PM Calin Calin Popescu Tariceanu has recommended Romanians "to refrain from traveling to Turkey" or do it just for urgent matters. He mentioned extra measures were to be taken to watch borders and protect against virus spreading.

Yesterday Bucharest sanitary veterinary officials were in alert because there were reported several dead chickens in the city's outskirts, triggering bird flu suspicion, said general vice mayor Razvan Murgeanu, according to Mediafax. (...) Experts have denied suspicion by rapid tests.

Suspect case denied

On Wednesday evening a Turkish citizen got to Matei Bals Institute of Infectious Diseases in Bucharest, suspected of bird flu. Medical tests denied doctors' fears a few hours later, when specialists decided the man suffered from pneumonia. (...) (L.M., C.P.)

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