< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - joi, 12 ianuarie 2006


Tariceanu: "All aunt Tamara left for us is debts"

The government is going to invest substantial funds in projects to develop infrastructure in various fields and costs are estimated to reach about 1 billion Euro this year, eventually risking budget deficit growth to 1% of PIB (the internal raw product) this year, said Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu yesterday. He explained: "In 2005 we had to tidy up accounts and budgets because aunt Tamara was generous to some, giving them paintings, jewels and money, but she left only debts for others. This year we start with no debts and we can afford to finance such projects." He said it after yesterday's meeting with economy ministers, the governor of the National Bank of Romania and the Prognosis Commission's president at Victoria Palace. The meeting was meant to decide on priority projects to be used in 2006-2008. Corruption is the only thing that can postpone Romania's accession to the EU. The government is going to take all measures to make institutions in the field take responsibility and do their job, said Tariceanu.

Highways, hospitals and campuses

As for infrastructure, some highways are priority: Bucharest-Constanta and Bucharest-Brasov. More funds are to be provided for the building of Brasov-Bors highway, once the talks with Bechtel company completed.

As for the medical system, the government's main projects are after building regional university emergency hospitals in the large urban centers and improving 20 district hospitals in 2006-2007.

As far as education is concerned, the Executive intends to build 80 modern campuses, improve dwelling places for students, provide transport for schoolchildren in the country and open new crafts schools.

Other projects the Romanian Executive is considering this year refer to the building of lodging places for the youth and new power plants, as well as to checks on enterprises' obedience to environment protection norms.

"Moderate" pay raise

In 2006 the salary policy is going to be strict and controlled, including moderate raises that would allow for the continuation of inflation cut and avoid stimulating consume over economic productivity, said the Romania PM. (...)


Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=191539&data=2006-01-12