< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - joi, 15 decembrie 2005


Social-Democrats' critique of Liberal-Democrat alliance at rule

A year of crises and political instability. And God punished us with all sorts of natural calamities. This is how PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) president Mircea Geoana described yesterday the 1-year activity of the Liberal-Democrat alliance at rule and of Tariceanu's Cabinet. Along with PSD executive president Adrian Nastase, Geoana listed this year's failures of the right-oriented alliance, claiming the latter proved inability to rule Romania. Geoana briefly listed the failures of Tariceanu's Cabinet, starting with the 16% single tax rate on income and the Fiscal Code modified four times. (...) (R.A.)

Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=190371&data=2005-12-15