< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - miercuri, 7 decembrie 2005


EU accession under doubt because of budget

The European Union is enraged because of the budget Great Britain proposed for 2007-2013. EU members have expressed strong critique against it, says Rompres. Great Britain has proposed a 14 billion Euro cut on funds meant to support new EU members. President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Durao Barroso says such a budget cannot be enough for an enlarged Europe. He also mentions it does have effects on the states to join the EU next, meaning Bulgaria and Romania. (...)

Barroso's critique

The president of the European Commission explains: "We are for a open, modern and enlarged Europe. This is why the Union has to have the means necessary to promote policies member states agreed on, together with the European Parliament and the European Commission." He adds that this would be impossible because of insufficient investment and lack of fair balance among member states. Barroso opined that treatment on the new members should be "more just". He also says he would continue talks with European leaders the following days to find solution to this financial problem. (...)

MEPs assure us

The leaders of the main political groups in the European Parliament have assured Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu in Brussels that Romania and Bulgaria are still to be part of the EU enlargement process, despite the context less favorable to the latter process, says Rompres.

On Tuesday while in Brussels the Romanian PM had meetings with the leaders of the Socialist, Christian-Democrat and Liberal groups in order to present them Romania's progress with preparations for accession to the EU. They assured the Romanian Romanian official that the decision on admitting Romania and Bulgaria had already been made and that eventual change would diminish the European Parliament's credibility. (...)


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