< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - luni, 12 septembrie 2005


INSOMAR draws autumn picture of Romanian politics: Alliance has got 20% more than PSD

If parliamentary elections were held next Sunday, PNL (the National Liberal Party)-PD (the Democrat Party) Alliance would get 49,1% of votes, whereas PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) would reach only 28,8%. The information has been taken from an opinion poll INSOMAR drew in August 30 - September 5 released yesterday. PRM ("Great Romania" Party) comes third (10,8%), followed by UDMR (the Democrat Union of Hungarians in Romania) with 5,9%, PPCD (the Popular Christian-Democrat Party) with 1,8% and PNG (the New Generation Party) with 1,4%. All the other parties, the Conservatives included, have got scores lower than 1%. 32% of the people questioned have not made up their mind or do no intend to go voting.

If PNL and PD ran as separate candidates, 56,2% of the Alliance's adepts would vote for the Democrats, whereas 40,8% would go for the Liberals. (...)

Basescu is trusted

As for trust in politicians, president Traian Basescu is still top of the list, as 59,7% of Romanians trust him "much" or "very much". This latest information shows that citizens' trust in the Romanian President has been roughly the same in the last year.

Theodor Stolojan comes second, as 50,8% of Romanian citizens trust him. He is followed by Mona Musca (52,2%), Monica Macovei (39,1%), Mircea Geoana (38,5%), Calin Popescu-Tariceanu (32,5%), Emil Boc (30,7%), Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu (28,1%), Adrian Nastase (27,4%), Ion Iliescu (23,5%), Ionut Popescu (22,3%) and Corneliu Vadim Tudor (22,3%).

Trust in Stolojan is growing

INSOMAR data shows that the image of prime minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu has had the slightest improvement, as compared to other politicians top of the list such as Basescu, Stolojan, Boc. Now 32,5% of Romanians trust the prime minister. (...) INSOMAR mentions: "It is to be noticed that trust in Theodor Stolojan has been growing in the last two months".

80% are for the uninominal vote

INSOMAR also shows that the Church is still the most trusted institution, followed by the Army and the mass media, Presidency and SRI (the Romanian Secret Service). 60% of the people questioned believe early elections are not needed in Romania. Almost 80% of Romanians are for the uninominal vote, whereas the remaining ones would stick to the same old method. (...)


Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=184586&data=2005-09-12