< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - marti, 19 iulie 2005

LATEST - In Brief

Romania, from one rainfall to another

The members of the National Committee for Emergency Situations met again yesterday to evaluate the damages generated by the floods. The meeting was run, for the third time consexcutively, by both President Traian Basescu and the Prime Minister Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, according to Rompres News Agency.

70 million Euro, redirected

The minister of Administration and Home Affairs, Vasile Blaga, announced yesterday in a press conference held at Victoria Palace, that the representatives of the European Commission agreed on the reallocation of the Sapard and ISPA funds, to a tantamount of 70 million Euro, to the restoration of the infrastructure damaged by the floods. Blaga added that for the time being the priority is the evaluation of the costs of the floods in Moldavia.

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