< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - sambata, 11 decembrie 2004


Chris Davies: Romania's admission in 2007 is a mistake

"The Times" published an open letter written by EU MP Chris Davis. He described Romania as a "rotten apple" for Europe. Davis opined that there was no real reform in Romania and that the decision to admit Romania as EU member in 2007 was a big mistake.

What would be the best date to admit Romania in EU?

When Romania is ready to join EU members and respect the values of the majority by means of obedience to laws and also by fighting corruption, by insuring independence and fighting against money laundry and flesh traffic.

What is to be done so that Romania would meet such requirements?

Romania must get control on corruption and make sure that the existing laws are already efficiently applied.

Do you think Romania's admission in EU might be postponed?

There are no such chances.

Therefore Romania will join EU in 2007...

My opinion is that it will. I think it is a mistake. I believe this would be no good for the Romanian people. It would be no good for when a state asks to be admitted in EU, the period before admission gives opportunities for fundamental changes. By consenting to admit Romania in 2 years only, the European Commission diminished possibilities to put pressure and stimulate the Romanian government to make changes that would affect the Romanian people on long term.

Is there any connection between the Romanian elections and the decision to fulfil admission negotiations?

The Commission led by Verheugen explained it clearly that the negotiation program had been elaborated a long time before taking into account the elections in Romania. Still I believe things have had a very unfortunate evolution and impression has come up that EU is providing the present government with support.

What is your opinion on the first election tour in Romania?

Since I have been reading about election fraud, of course I think such a situation should not exist in any EU member or candidate state, even if fraud exists to an extent reaching 3% - 5%. As for the results, I have no special comments to make. Since the European Commission has been criticized for inappropriate comments on the domestic matters of a certain country, I want to make no comment at all on the state of Romanian politics just two days before presidential elections.

Do you believe that Romania is now ready to join EU?

Personally, I believe it is not. From all the states asking to join EU, Romania is the least prepared, taking into account the fact that there are only two years left till Romania gets to join EU. The European Commission will have to put maximum pressure in the next two years to make sure Romania meets requirements. But at the same time I can see that the 1989 revolution in Central and Eastern Europe lacked a real corresponding move in Romania. And I can express concern about the problems that would remain at the same stage. Still I have no doubts that the Parliament of Europe will show support for Romania next Thursday and that the Council of Europe too will support Romania next week.


Anne Marie LUPASCU

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