< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - sambata, 4 decembrie 2004


European Right Wing asks for investigation on Romanian elections

Hans - Gert Pottering, President of the parliamentary group representing the European Right Wing of the European People's Party (EPP) in the Parliament of Europe, asked the Council of Europe and the European Commission to carefully study fraud charges against the recent elections in Romania. This is stated in a press release by the above - mentioned parliamentary group, informs Mediafax. Democrat election results must be beyond all doubt, if Romania is to join the European Union as full right member in 2007. This is a matter highly important to the Parliament of Europe, since on grounds of these elections the observers and then the members of the Parliament of Europe are to be elected by the national Parliament. The EPP release quotes Pottering: " Statements made by Opposition parties need to be studied. EU must have a perfectly clear picture on the elections held in a country about to join EU". (G.D.)

Articol disponibil la adresa http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=164166&data=2004-12-04