< Imprimare >      ZIUA - ENGLISH - vineri, 22 octombrie 2004


Ukraine is still hosting consulting on Bastroe

Yesterday in Ismail, Ukraine locality, Romanian and Ukrainian representatives met to discuss the recent conflict on the common state border, caused by the Bastroe canal dispute, reports Rompres. The Romanian Delegation included representatives of the General Customs Police within the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration, the Foreign Affairs Ministry, the Ministry of Transport, Building and Tourism and the Low Danube River Administration. Romanian took up topics regarding Ukraine's breaking the state border on the Danube branch of Chilia by placing signal buoys and anchoring in the Romanian sector. They also discussed Romania's plan to create a common organism that would investigate the common border state. It is also meant to make sure that there will be no more breaking of the border regime set by the Treaty on the regime of the state border between Romania and Ukraine and to lead to collaboration and mutual assistance on border matters. It is to be noticed that the previous negotiation session on the Bastoe canal conflict took place on the Ukrainian territory as well. (D.E.)

Emma Nicholson debates on participative democracy in Romania

The Park Hotel in Bucharest is hosting the "Citizen Participation in Enlarged Europe". The event consists of debates on the role of civil society in the consolidation of participative democracy in Europe. Emma Nicholson, Vice President of the Foreign Affairs Commission in the EU Parliament is one outstanding guest. Debates will study the causes of democratic deficit in the European Union and the state of things in Romania. They will also take up the involvement of organizations such as The National Association of Citizens Counseling Bureaus from Romania in Romanian and European networks. The above - mentioned national association represents the interests of 55 NGOs that have created such institutions. It provides free information and counseling services to citizens in more than 100 urban and rural localities, in fields like social assistance, social insurance, work reports, civil rights and duties, taxes and fees, public services, health, child protection, consumer's protection, property regime, education. This is accomplished due to the partnership with local public authorities and with financial support from the European Union by the PHARE program on Civil Society development. (D.E.)

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