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LATEST - In Brief

Records of ex political detainees in Romania to become public

The Institute for Investigations on Communist Crimes in Romania is going to make public the records of the ex political detainees. Such documents are extremely precious due to the nature of the information they contain and also due to the practical data included.

In 1947-1989, the prisons and convict colonies in Romania sheltered thousands of people whose only fault was the disagreement to the new public and social order fetched by the Romanian Communist Party. The prison system would treat such detainees as if they had been more dangerous than common criminals. The political detainees would be subject to all administrative rigor and also bear the stigma because being political prisoners. While in prison every detainee would have at least one personal history sheet. Those sheets including special mentions were kept in the archive of the General Prison Department (nowadays called the National Administration of Prisons) and centralized to Jilava Prison. (...) (T.B.)

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