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  Nr. 4290 de marti, 22 iulie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief

Long illness of drugs

According to Liberal Eugen Nicolaescu, Romania's minister of health, there is no crisis of the subventioned and the free drugs. The minister can see just the plot against the reform in the Romanian health system.

Still the new regulation on the prescription of drugs has confused doctors, whereas chemists are taking full advantage of it and mess is resigning in Romanian hospitals and drugstores.

Hospital managers are reporting that they are short of medicine and patients are sent home or after drugs, whereas chemists would not give medicine under subventions. As for those who can afford to buy the drugs, they pay the full costs and then they return to hospitals.

Producers say they are o longer authorized to sell the drugs on the new list in the conditions settled by the Ministry of Health. But the good news is that the crisis can take from two weeks up to two months. (...) (C.P.)

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