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Die Presse: Reforms delayed in Romania

The reform of Romanian Justice has been delayed and political crises follow one after another just one year after the accession to the EU, whereas the main difficulties Bulgaria is still facing are corruption and criminality. The opinion is part of a commentary published by Die Presse, an Austrian daily.

There is reminded that the EU members were skeptical about the accession of these two Balkan states and that most independent observers claimed neither Romania nor Bulgaria was ready to such a change, despite the optimistic speeches delivered by Bucharest and Sophia leaders in January 1, 2007.

According to the Austrian publication, the criticism is getting confirmed one year later, since both states are much flawed with the achieving of goals set in Brussels. Die Presse comments that before the EU accession the reform of Romanian Justice progressed all right, but its intensity diminished visibly after January 2007, despite a significant economic growth. There is also mentioned that the dispute between the Romanian President and PM seems to be taking all the energy that should be used for making true progress in a country that has missed the train to improve its image within the EU.

Bulgaria is also criticized for a slow fight against organized crimes and for authorities' failure to make clear the ordered assassinations and vendettas in the latest years. There is quoted the opinion of Boris Borisov, a mayor of Sophia and a leader of the political opposition, claiming that nothing has changed in Bulgaria after the accession to the EU. (...) (G.D.)

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