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The price of setting Maria Vlas free

Bucharest Court of Appeal decided yesterday to revoke the precautionary arrest warrant against Ioana Maria Vlas because she is no longer "a danger for public order". Coincidence has it that magistrates' decision comes at the same time with the High Court's final and irrevocable decision that the case of the making of the BID (Bank for Investments and Development) should not be sent to the Constitutional Court, but returned to the Courthouse of Bucharest District 1.

Even if the judges in the Court of Appeal decided to set Maria Vlas free, she hasn't been released yet because the prosecutors in charge of the case appealed against the decision. Surprisingly enough, the magistrates in Bucharest Court of Appeal wrote the motivation down and sent the case to High Court of Justice at once. The latter institution has decided the decision is due today at 10:00 a.m. The fact that Maria Vlas has changed attitude is also surprising. For a long while she kept on claiming she was guilty and wished to be judged while arrested, but afterwards the accused decided out of the blue that she wanted to be set free and 'organize her defense'.

What we can foresee now is a new political case coming up, with support from media campaigns. The price of setting Maria Vlas free is more than obvious and it has got to do with her campaign to defame Sorin Ovidiu Vantu. 'Evenimentul Zilei' daily has been housing this campaign, playing the 'ancestor' of the Prosecutor's Office. ZIUA is reminding readers that the daily owned by the 'Ringier' Company is in the habit of publishing secret documents from the Prosecutor's Office, which proves this daily obeys political orders from the group of interests including the Cotroceni-Macovei axis. (B.G., A.G.)

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