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  Nr. 3794 de joi, 30 noiembrie 2006 
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Romania and Portugal in competition for organizing the next NATO summit

Romania will compete with Portugal for the organization of the 2008 NATO summit, said President Traian Basescu yesterday in Riga, after the meeting he had with the Portuguese PM, Jose Socrates. "I admit there is an intent from our part to organize a NATO summit. We have accredited the idea we would be a good host in 2008, but we have the handicap that Portugal already gave up the organization of the 2006 summit to Riga", said Basescu, quoted by Mediafax. He added he had talked with the Portuguese Prime Minister and that he told the latter that Romania and Portugal would have "a fair competition" for the organization of the next NATO summit. "One doesn't always succeed from the first strike. Romania hopes to organize the 2008 summit. If it won't be possible then, we will organize it some other time", said Basescu. However he noticed that, if it were accepted, then Romania was the third country from the new UE wave, in sequence, that would organize this event. (D.E.)

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