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  Nr. 3769 de miercuri, 1 noiembrie 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief

Spain too thinks about restrictions on Romanians and Bulgarians

Madrid authorities intend to allow Romanian and Bulgarian immigrant to get jobs in Spain only two years after January 1, 2007, when both Romania and Bulgaria are due to join the EU.

The Spanish foreign minister Miguel Angel Moratinos explained it yesterday. He commented: "Spain's policy was very clear. We decided a 2-year restriction for citizens coming from the first 10 member states. Then we did away with such obstacles to allow for the free circulation of people." He added Spain would do the same to the immigrants from the two newcomers.

The Spanish official reminded that Madrid and Bucharest authorities had already reached some bilateral agreements and mentioned there were now 400,000 Romanians legally employed in Spain. (D.E.)

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