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  Nr. 3673 de miercuri, 12 iulie 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief

President criticizes government one more time

Romanian President Traian Basescu criticized the Romanian government one more time yesterday, during the official ceremony when Conservative Bogdan Olteanu became a vice prime minister. The President commented: "There's too much talk on the governmental platform and maybe too little dedication to the accomplishing of missions expressed in the Parliament."

The President expressed hope that the new minister of state would focus on the essential points in the governmental platform due to which the Executive got power. Basescu opined Pascu's membership to the government could help decisions necessary to Romania. He mentioned: "Right now Romania has got central administration that doesn't meet local administration. We have got institutions based on old-fashioned systems." He expressed wish that the new minister should persuade Cabinet colleagues that there should be no delay with the reform of institutions. The President emphasized it was about "a long and difficult process which would reach a standstill if postponed on and on." (A.H.)

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