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  Nr. 3650 de joi, 15 iunie 2006 
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The dream of FSN

Political strategists of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) have concluded the PD (Democrat Party) is a partner most likely to be reached. The electorate would put up with a political alliance with Boc's party. There is also the common root of these two parties, a root emerging after December 1989: the FSN (Front for National Salvation). The PSD strategy points: "The PSD mustn't forget they have the capacity to produce the change the Democrats long for." There have already been such relations between the PSD and the PD, such as when voting minorities' status and the secret meeting in Phoenicia Hotel. The document on the Social-Democrats' prospects was analyzed in the meeting of National Committee members early this week. The PSD is after more visible opposition against the government, as the PD is already the opponent of the Liberals within the Coalition. The strategy also pleads: "It is to be assumed that the PD should become more determined and aggressive, in relation to the PSD, as the latter party is determined to sanction the mistakes of Tariceanu's government."

This analysis thought to belong to Miron Mitrea has emerged just when opinion polls are showing the PSD's score lower than the scores of the PRM ("Great Romania" Party) and the PD. Geoana would also like a coalition with Vadim's party. But neither the electorate nor the partners in the Socialist International would agree to such an union, as seen when they attempted it before the release of the European Commission's monitoring report on Romania. (...) (R.A.)

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