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  Nr. 3628 de sambata, 20 mai 2006 
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Bird flu in Bucharest

Bird flu reached Bucharest last evening. Romanian agriculture minister announced that rapid tests confirmed the bird flu virus in two households in Bucharest. One is in district 2, close to Andronache cemetery, and the other one is in district 4, Odei Street. The minister mentioned authorities started to kill fowl in the area. He claimed there was no need of quarantine on the entire area, because the virus was identified in the outskirts. But the persons in the two households are banned to leave the place and they are now under watch. The minister couldn't provide details about contamination, saying experts were considering all hypotheses.

Videanu knew it, but didn't say it

Yesterday evening Adrian Videanu, general mayor of Bucharest, said: "I got information on the presence of the bird flu virus in Bucharest yesterday. But it has been confirmed today." Given this, it is to be noticed that authorities knew about it, but they didn't announce, waiting for media prime time to come so that they would say it. Videanu mentioned he had decided to postpone the announcement until confirmation "in order not to panic people."

Mediafax says local authorities in districts 2 and 4 in Bucharest have sent guardians and veterinary doctors to the respective areas and they are to take action when the virus is confirmed. If it is confirmed in both cases, measures will be taken.

Authorities have planned to have lunch today at the Ministry of Agriculture and eat chicken meat products in order to calm people down.

Politicians want speeches to stop bird flu

Yesterday was the day when top officials came out with statements. Although in hospital, Romanian President Traian Basescu summoned the agriculture minister, the interior minister and the SRI (Romanian Secret Service) head to come and tell him about bird flu so that he could give recommendations. PM Tariceanu too had a meeting about bird flu and experts tried to agree on the emergence of the virus in the heart of Romania. People are waiting for the high officials' measures to yield, while the poultry industry is having tough times. Because of the banned transport of fowl authorities killed all the chickens in a farm, although they are sound and safe. On the other hand, the sale of poultry products is greatly decreasing.

Migratory birds blamed for it

The growing number of bird flu cases is because of migratory birds and the poor equipment in poultry farms. This is the conclusion experts reached yesterday, when they gathered in the Agriculture Ministry. It was expressed by Florica Durlea, adviser of the National Sanitary-Veterinary Authority for Food Safety. According to her, experts believe that although migrating birds are in good health, they still carry and also eliminate the virus. Durlea added: "It is dangerous because the source of infection is almost permanent and we don't know where a new bird flu case can emerge. This is why there is need of thorough measures on bird circulation." (...) (L.M.)

The bird flu virus in 18 localities

Yesterday the bird flu virus was confirmed in 18 Romanian localities: 16 in Brasov, 1 in Covasna and 1 in Valcea. There were also 25 localities under suspicion (rapid tests confirmed the virus). The last localities where the bird flu was confirmed are Ploiesti and Santimbru (in Alba). Localities in Brasov, Vrancea, Buzau, Bacau, Valcea, Sibiu, Prahova and Alba are also on the suspect list.

No human bird flu

In the last days 11 persons were suspected of carrying the virus. But experts from Cantacuzino Institute denied yesterday the presence of the bird flu virus in any human suspected of it. Doctors recommend strict hygiene, although the risk is very low. The director of Matei Bals Institute says all suspects in the hospital, both adults and children, are well and they suffer from some respiratory diseases. (...) (C.P.)

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