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  Nr. 3539 de joi, 2 februarie 2006 
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Mob men

Yesterday while attending the meeting on the Interior Ministry's activity, president Traian Basescu had the press as target of attack. He no longer mentioned groups of interests. He talked about mob men, about press group owners supporting mob groups close to Rafo, Rompetrol or FNI, (the National Investment Fund). Just like on other occasions, he gave no names, just references. He attacked the press just he was getting ready to fly to Ukraine. Last summer he criticized groups of interests just before leaving for New York. This is typical of Basescu: first he throws the bomb and then he goes away.

The president didn't criticize the press only, but also the Executive with Tariceanu as special target. He just uttered: "We don't need other laws, these are good!" This time he was meaning the phone call scandal and the PM's wish to issue ordinance asking he should be informed when an Executive member was under criminal investigations. The president also accused PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu that by means of governmental documents he had caused $ 300 million loss, because of his wish to save 300 workers: $ 1 million for 1 worker. Basescu concluded: "The mob is on the government's desk!"

Basescu left this meeting to go to the CSM (the Superior Council of Magistrate) meeting, where he warned about " the Executive's interference in Justice."

It is interesting that in a speech he delivered a short while ago Traian Basescu was saying in Romania there was no more corruption and in case the EU expressed accusations, it should call things by their names: names and corruption cases. By criticizing minister Nicolaescu and PM Tariceanu, by mentioning the phone call scandal and alluding to the criminal situation of vice PM Copos, Traian Basescu is actually suspecting two parties of corruption: the National Liberal Party and the Conservative Party. Not a word about the Democrat Party. We also need to notice that his critique was performed in the Interior Ministry building, "home" of Vasile Blaga, a friend of the Romanian president and a secretary general of the Democrat Party. Is by any chance Basescu's attack against Tariceanu connected to information we have got from sources, saying the PM is firm on his wish to be president of the party to be achieved, once the Liberals and the Democrats proceed to fusion?

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