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Basescu demands incompetent magistrates to resign

Yesterday the headquarters of the National Institute of Magistrates hosted meeting on the presentation of the CSM (the Superior Council of Magistrates) report on 2005. Traian Basescu chaired the meeting. More officials were also present, Jonathan Scheele and pre-accession adviser Dieter Schlafen, Justice minister Monica Macovei and general attorney Ilie Botos among them.

It was Romanian president Traian Basescu who criticized magistrates most severely. He demanded prosecutors and judges to keep their independence, promising them all his support. As for PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu's accusations against magistrates, the head of state mentioned: "Had you not considered such interference to be normal, you wouldn't have been scolded in the open on Monday." He also asked magistrates to be aware that when reaching an irevokable, final decision, "my name is written on the top of it." On the other hand, Basescu explained the difference between image and reality, recommending some CSM members with defiled image to resign. (...) (Voichita RISCANU)

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