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  Nr. 3339 de vineri, 3 iunie 2005 
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Europe is shocked

The European Union has reached unprecedented state. The constitutional treaty meant to make the Union function more fluently was rejected by both the French and the Dutch in referendum. In case the European Constitutions is rejected by one fifth of EU members (that is five states), the Council of Europe has to reach decision on the community's future, although it is not at all clear what kind of decision can be reached. They are breathlessly waiting for the referendum in Luxembourg (due in July 10), Denmark (due in September 27) and Portugal (due in December 2005) to take place. Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Ireland and Poland have set no date for referendum yet, but they are to do it next year anyway.

61,6% of the Dutch are against it

Three days after the French no vote on the European Constitution, Dutch electors rejected the latter too. Rompres says unofficial final results show that 61,6% of Dutch voted against the document, whereas 38,4% of electors voted for it. Vote presence was 62,8%, higher than expected.

The main political parties in the Netherlands had previously announced that they would take into account the results of consultative referendum, in case more than 30% of citizens voted. The negative vote will not cause the government to overthrow, as it happened in France, as the referendum originated in the Parliament, opposing government consent. Wednesday's no vote on the European Constitution turns the Netherlands into the second state founder of the EU that rejected the European Constitution.

Barroso says it must go on

Rompres informs that while in Brussels on Wednesday, President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Durao Barroso opposed any "unilateral initiative" of an EU state, meant to suspend the ratification of the EU Constitution after the French and Dutch negative vote.

After the Dutch referendum results had been released, EU President Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Durao Barroso and President of the European Parliament Josep Borrell released common declaration affirming respect for the Dutch decision and still stating the ratification process had to go on. The common declaration says: "We are still convinced that the Constitution makes the European Union more democratic, more efficient and more powerful and that all member states must express opinion on the projected Constitutional Treaty." The declaration also mentions that during the Council of Europe session due in two weeks' time they would analyze the state of the European Constitution and decides what step to take.



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