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Lost in hell

No official information has so far confirmed whether journalists Marie-Jeanne Ion, Sorin Miscovici and Eduard Ovidiu Ohanesian were kidnapped by ransom hunters or terrorists @ News on the disappearance of reporters from Prima TV and "Romania libera" daily has traveled the world and enflamed the entire Romania mass-media @ Right now nobody knows a thing about the state of the three Romanians @ The journalists were in Baghdad in April 22 with no bodyguards, at the invitation of a citizen with both Iraqi and American citizenship @ The only piece of information reached yesterday was reported live by Mile Carpenisan: the journalists were kidnapped from Mayflower hotel by about 40 individuals under cover @ Paramilitaries authors of the operation are said to belong to the troops of much feared Islamist leader Al-Zarqawi @ Operation teams of the US Army have already arrested people in the Mayflower hotel @ Romanian Army wants to get spy planes looking for the three missing journalists @ Prima TV leading board is ready to pay eventual ransom for hostage release @ Coincidences make spirits hot: president Basescu's visit to Iraq, poisoned opinion polls in the country, kidnapped journalists @ To Traian Basescu, this is the third moment of crisis he has had to coordinate ever since he became president, after choosing Tariceanu as PM and after early elections call failed

Basescu is coordinates operation group

Romanian president Traian Basescu summoned operation meeting at Cotroceni Palace yesterday at 11:00 a.m. The meeting was meant to get control of, analyze and start action to release the three Romanian journalists who vanished in the Iraqi capital Monday evening. Heads of the main Romanian secret services - SRI (the Romanian Secret Service), SIE (the Romanian Foreign Intelligence Service) and DIA (the Army Information Department) were present, as well as presidential councilors for both foreign and internal affairs, says presidency press release. They created an operation group coordinated by president Traian Basescu. It is to function during the entire process of investigation, analysis and action meant to find missing journalists alive as soon as possible. State institutions with attributions in the field are in active collaboration to find where the kidnapped journalists are and release them sound and safe. President Traian Basescu is assuring Romanians that Romania has got both will and power to protect citizens, press release also mentioned.

All state structures alerted

When he returned from Iraq on Monday night the head of stated said state structures were alerted and determined to solve the disappearance of the three Romanian journalists. While in the plane he contacted the allies' secret services for information. Basescu mentioned: " Right now all state structures have been alerted and they are determined to solve this problem. While in the place, we contacted not only the Romanian secret services, but also the allied services and tried to learn how things really are." (A.H.)

Kidnapped from the hotel by 40 face-covered abductors

ZIUA information says the two Romanian journalists who left for Iraq on their own on Tuesday, April 22, were kidnapped just after leaving the Romanian Embassy in Baghdad and were on their way to the hotel, The Romanian Embassy is situated on Arassat Al-Hindia Street, outside the security "green area" set by the US Army. Other information we got yesterday from Antena 1 TV reporter Mile Carpenisan claims that 40 under cover agents set ambush right inside the hotel.

Al-Zarqawi admits it

Yesterday Mile Carpenisan reported to Europa FM radio post. He said the toughest news on the fate of the thee kidnapped journalists was that the troops of Islamist Al-Zarqawi admitted kidnapping. He claimed the news was confirmed by sources from the Multinational Force Center in Baghdad, as well as by Romanian Army representative Colonel Ion Voicu. One employee of Mayflower Hotel hosting the three journalists has already been arrested, as he is suspected of having delivered the Romanians to the Islamist group.

BBC rumor

Yesterday BBC was voicing rumor that the disappearance of their Romanian colleagues was more of a game played by some foreign secret service interested in compromising Romanian president Traian Basescu or making his popularity do down, as he was a reliable ally of the US. (Victor RONCEA)

PM confirms kidnapping, the Government withdraws it

While visiting Pitesti yesterday, PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu stated in the afternoon that Romanian authorities were doing their best "to bring back alive the three journalists kidnapped in Iraq". The Romanian PM said he was worried about the fate of the three journalists and that state institutions would do their duty. Tariceanu mentioned: " I want to outline that just after we have learnt the news on the disappearance of the three journalists, in the Foreign Affairs Ministry we have created a crisis operation cell that made all state institutions become active, mainly the information services, in order to get as many information about the disappearance as possible." On Monday night Tariceanu was announcing: " So far there is no official communique of authors admitting kidnapping. Therefore today we can't be sure and clear about kidnapping. But I can tell you that by diplomat and more means we are watching what is going on in the area and we are waiting for official news and confirmations. (...)"

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