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  Nr. 3196 de luni, 13 decembrie 2004 
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Trucks transported illiterate gypsies and mentally ill to balloting stations

In the district of Olt elections continued just like two weeks before: with serious breaks of the electoral law. Such incidents were beyond the power of authorities, partly because the latter were not really familiar with the law. They hesitated to take serious action and sanction those who were favored in one way or the other.

Priest sanctioned for voting for Basescu

In the village of Colonesti there occurred a half-tragic, half-comical event. After the morning religious service, the priest in the parish of Colonesti went voting to one of the three balloting stations, just like any other citizen. After he was given the ballot, he was surprised to discover that he... had already voted! He was seized with rage and accused the president of the commission of having deliberately allowed somebody else to vote instead of him, taking into account the fact that he was the only priest in the village. The Christian believer protested vehemently, claiming he wanted to vote for Basescu, and not for Adrian Nastase, as he supposed the unknown person had voted for the latter. The priest got away with Police fine and afterwards voted as "transiting priest" on supplementary lists.

Trucks carrying gypsies in Falcoiu

Falcoiu is one of villages best known for having massively voted for PSD (the Social - Democrat Party) along the years. About 105 - 110% of citizens here go voting! The ZIUA reporters noticed four trucks full of gypsies, most of them illiterate. They were transported to the balloting station in Falcoiu. The trucks had the PSD sign on and were driven by the mayor's man. After arrival the gypsies hurried to the balloting stations, where there was also an election observer representing Pro Democracy Association. He told us this was a common procedure in 2004, but that the matter was to be reported on by written statement. The truck drivers refused to say who had paid them, where they got the oil from and whom the trucks belonged to.

Policeman with PSD

The mayor of the Dobrun Village decided to place the balloting station just next to the mayor hall. This way he could stay in front of the balloting station and show posters with Adrian Nastase, just close to a policeman protecting him. But Mayor Aurel Bondrescu claimed he did not stay at the balloting station, but in front of the place where people worked. Balloting commission members asked him to remove posters and stop election propaganda. But the mayor ignored it and asked them to mind their business. Policeman Nicolae Dinu jumped to protect the mayor, as the former was making use of all possible means, most of them illegal, to protect the mayor's campaign.

Terrorist attacks in Brebeni

The mayors in the district of Olt came up with one more trick: placing people in front of and inside the balloting stations and claiming they provide the village with security. Such individuals carrying sticks protected the balloting stations against eventual "terrorist attacks". Marian Ivan, mayor of Brebeni village, stated to ZIUA reporters: "May God protect us from bombs! How can they influence anybody? It's our men". The president of the election commission in Brebeni hesitated to take any measure against the fishy guys carrying sticks and illegally staying inside the balloting station. The president claimed she did not see them and she had not time to deal with such mater.

Mad ballot in Slatina hospitals

Around 11:30 a.m. reporters working for ZIUA detected some hospital cars taking well - defined route from one hospital to another. The reporters followed the cars and found out that patients from the veneric disease and neuropsychiatry hospital on Slatina were carried to balloting station in the District Hospital. The ZIUA reporters noticed the cars registered as OT 99 DSO and OT 98 SJS. The hospital leading board could not explain why they didn't used the mobile balloting boxes and why patients were transported to the balloting station in that way. Representatives of D.A. ("Truth and Justice") Alliance asked BEJ (the District Electoral Office) for support in order to explain the situation. After research and talks between hospital managers and judge Valeria Smaranda, President of BEJ, ambulances stopped transporting patients and research started in order to register eventual law breaks.


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