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  Nr. 2966 de joi, 18 martie 2004 
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Basescu doesn't want to destroy Carol Park

The Nation Cathedral accepted without a place

Yesterday during a meeting at the Parliament Commission for Abuse MP's, architects and members of the civil society were against placing the Cathedral of the Nation's Redemption in Carol Park from Bucharest. The Church representatives were not invited, Ciucianu stating that The Church could not attend Commission debate".

The building of such an edifice was supported, but they suggested a different place and the architects offered alternatives. They also denied the way the Executive had offered the place for building: by Executive decision of giving the terrain from Carol Park to the District IV Mayor House, breaking the law on transfer of property. There was suggested a referendum for the Bucharest inhabitants to decide on the place to build the cathedral on.

On Sunday at 12 a.m. there will be a protest meeting in Carol Park, attended by civic representatives who are against destroying public space by making the Park a workfactory.

The General Council of Bucharest is to discuss today the transfer of the terrain belonging to the General Mayor House to the District IV Mayor House. Then it will be given to the Church to build the cathedral. The Executive made the decision without consulting architects or other specialists. The decision broke the law on transfer of public property, specified Adrian Bold, Chief architect for Bucharest. Basascu stated that unless the Executive decision was not adopted today, he would due it.

He added he did not want conflict with the Church and considered such a cathedral necessary, but not by "Sacrificing Carol Park". The mayor said the Church representatives wanted "urgent" solution and "were not willing to accept excuses". He reminded that most of the people accessing The Internet Site forum on the Cathedral's placing had pleaded for preserving Carol Park.

He expressed willingness to discuss with the Church representatives again the place of the Cathedral and came up with several suggestions: Izvor Park on Unirii Avenue, where there was the idea to built an Opera House, on the place of the former Monastery Vacaresti, and also Parcul Tineretului (The Youth Park).

Architects planning strategy for urbanism

Adrian Bold stated that The Urbanism Department in the Mayor House has opposed "since 1996" to building in parks, and especially in Carol Park, which is a historical monument. An alternative to this place would be the former Monastery Vacaresti, destroyed by the Communists. The cathedral would function as a complex including lodging, parking, commercial spaces.


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