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  Nr. 3490 de sambata, 26 noiembrie 2005 
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Media entrenched on the Eastern front
Germany, interrested as always in the Eastern part of Europe, has an active contribution to democratization of ex "soviet camp", that finds itself at the entrance of European Union.Today, after half of century, Europe recovers herself, with its natural borders, following the example of Germany, reunified 16 years ago. The wall of Berlin has fallen. Forever. Soviet Union re-branded as Commonwealth of Independent States. But its headquarters remained the same:...   (1 afisare)
   (2 afisari)
The bridge to Europe will be pass soon or never
The title seems rather pessimistic or controversial, but the score of it, is the actual and eager wish to see Macedonia and all other countries from South-East European region, as soon as possible, as part of Europe. Obstacles on that path are still huge and uncertain, that's why skepticism among population is present and indubitable. Speaking about Macedonia itself have to be said that the country from the very first moment of proclaiming indpendence...   (3 afisari)
What is happening there? Public discourse and the Euro-Atlantic integration of the Republic of Moldova
Here, there, over here and over there...
"What is happening there?" is one of the questions most often asked at the beginning of the 90s, when people would talk about Eastern societies. "What is happening there?" is more than a question: it is also an answer, a gesture of abandonment, slipped - and not very subtly - inside the very body of the question. "What is happening there?" is the sign of...   (3 afisari)
Europe and the Idea of European Integration in the Public and Intellectual Imagination of the Republic of Moldova
1. From the perspective of belonging to an area of culture and civilization, the Republic of Moldova is a border territory, the outermost territory of the western world along a south-east axis. Most of its population is of Latin origin, having historical traditions relating to the Balkan region and a culture which cannot be placed outside the West. Hence their tendency to join the united...   (3 afisari)
Creation of the necessary conditions within the Republic of Moldova for a real prospect of European integration
European integration is both a target and a process. From the perspective of Western democracies, the process is much more important than the target, because EU, too, is undergoing a continuous process of change, of reaction to new and new challenges.
To the Republic of Moldova, European integration is the key to its successful democratic development, while its maintenance within the...   (3 afisari)
Integration of See media to eu standards: Mission impossible or double standards?
Role of mass media in transitional countries is extremely important. Without free media is not possible to achieve democracy. Level of democracy can be exactly measured by media freedom in transitional countries. That's why international community is constantly and carefully monitoring media landscape and evaluating the level of freedom.
Media in transitional countries inherited old, Communistic understanding of media....   (6 afisari)
The Moldova-UE Action Plan and the Views of the Media
I have wondered what the media might get from the good intentions of the Moldovan authorities of becoming a member of the EU or how and to what extent the situation of the media can be changed by the Moldova-EU action plan, the main document which includes Moldova's commitments to the EU. When I read the document it became clear to me that things look very well on paper. Thus, freedom of speech and the press are the priorities which - according...   (3 afisari)
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