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  Nr. 4290 de marti, 22 iulie 2008 
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Is Traian Basescu right?
Is our President right to have an ambiguous response to a problem as difficult as the Italians' decision to fingerprint our gypsies? He is right for several reasons. But given his typical elegance, he hasn't explained it t journalists, asking that they should do their homework.
So such problematic matter, such elegant attitude. What could he say? As President of Romania, he has got all reasons to be angry. Unfortunately, when thousands of gypsies are fingerprinted...   (17 afisari)
EU crisis response
Ignore for a moment the European Union's latest difficulties following
the Irish referendum, and instead focus on places that have real crises, and where the EU is making a real difference in resolving them.
Too often overlooked among the Euro-debates over the Lisbon Treaty has
been any sense of what the proposed changes would actually mean for the
most important work the EU is doing outside its own borders. The EU has had 21 missions in conflict zones and fragile...   (16 afisari)
Democrat-Liberals want to be in spotlight
The Democrat-Liberals are courting the Liberals and the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party) leaders are insinuating that they are willing to govern together with the PNL (National Liberal Party). The more relenting attitude at the Liberals is emerging because of the PD-L's poor score in the local elections and also due to the EPP urge that the party should negotiate with everyone in order to get power.
The PD-L vice president Valeriu...   (23 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Long illness of drugs
According to Liberal Eugen Nicolaescu, Romania's minister of health, there is no crisis of the subventioned and the free drugs. The minister can see just the plot against the reform in the Romanian health system.
Still the new regulation on the prescription of drugs has confused doctors, whereas chemists are taking full advantage of it and mess is resigning in Romanian hospitals and drugstores.
Hospital managers are reporting that they are short of...   (14 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Records of ex political detainees in Romania to become public
The Institute for Investigations on Communist Crimes in Romania is going to make public the records of the ex political detainees. Such documents are extremely precious due to the nature of the information they contain and also due to the practical data included.
In 1947-1989, the prisons and convict colonies in Romania sheltered thousands of people whose only fault was the disagreement to the new public and social...   (22 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian youth on top of optimists' list
If it is true that the optimists live longer, Romania's death rate should be smaller, since the Romanian youngsters together with those of Kazahstan come number two in the European top of the most optimistic nations in terms of their own future and the future of the countries they live in. The Poles top this list, whereas the Turkish youth come last, since pessimism prevails. The conclusions are part of a survey on trust in Central and...   (14 afisari)
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