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  Nr. 4123 de vineri, 4 ianuarie 2008 
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The true condemnation of the Hitler-Stalin Pact
The word "denunciation" used to describe the "Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact" is a bad choice. First, because Romania can't "denounce" an international agreement it did not sign. Secondly, the "Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact" is an euphemism: after all, Ribbentrop and Molotov were just the foreign ministers of Hitler and Stalin, the greatest dictators to damage Europe ever. It is actually about the "Hitler-Stalin Pact" by which the two divided Eastern...   (56 afisari)      1 comentariu
Princess Margareta inherits throne
In a private ceremony King Mihai I of Romania designated Princess Margareta to be his dynastic successor. Her Royal Highness Margareta is to inherit the Romanian throne and after the King's death she is to become guardian of the Crown. The New Dynasty Status of the Royal Family, which His Majesty signed 6 decades after the Communists had forced him into abdication, makes the throne inheritance clear. Prince Radu of Hohenzollern-Veringen is going to advance...   (162 afisari)
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Die Presse: Reforms delayed in Romania
The reform of Romanian Justice has been delayed and political crises follow one after another just one year after the accession to the EU, whereas the main difficulties Bulgaria is still facing are corruption and criminality. The opinion is part of a commentary published by Die Presse, an Austrian daily.
There is reminded that the EU members were skeptical about the accession of these two Balkan states and that most independent observers...   (22 afisari)
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Chishinau starts to expel priests
Two Romanian priests were expelled by Chishinau authorities allegedly because of lacking employment documents. The measure was decided during checks concerning all the priests in Romanian parishes on Moldovan territory.
Constantin Stoica, a spokesman of the Romanian Orthodox Church, argues: "The representatives of the Metropolitan Church of Basarabia have informed us that all the priests in this administrative structure were checked on by...   (27 afisari)
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Romanian prostitute defeats Prodi
21-year old Romanian prostitute Angela S. managed to get the Justice decision that she was to be expelled from Italy annulled, the Italian press claims.
The Genoa court decided that the young Romanian female's activity was no threat to public security and it did not compromise human dignity. The judge added the legislation on expulsion of community citizens from Italy disallowed the Italian administration to proceed to the much feared mass...   (59 afisari)
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DNA activity is disaster
The cases the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department), headed by Daniel Morar, handled in the last 2 years are just invalid.
69 prosecutors employed by the DNA lack the professional rank of High Court prosecutor, although the Department got to obey the Prosecutor's Office in 2005. Such severe flaw is because of ex minister Monica Macovei's amateurishness. In order to allow the DNA to investigate against MPs, she turned the anti-corruption department...   (23 afisari)
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