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  Nr. 4022 de vineri, 31 august 2007 
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Falling into derisory
The referendum Basescu is blackmailing the Parliament with is a false project. We shall see why. The elections for the EU are useless. We'll resume, showing the reasons. It is a dangerous solution, and also useless, to draw out of the game the institutes for market research in the electoral campaign. The same as the vote of censure that PSD (Social Democrat Party) is about to initiate is nothing but a phantom that leads the sole left-wing party to a blind alley....   (21 afisari)
Magistrates exhaustor
-- Despite a lack of prosecutors and lawyers that affects Justice, the Superior Council of Magistrates has seconded over 160 men of law to various institutions
An alarming phenomenon relating to the lack of magistrates was signaled in various analyses concerning the state of Justice early this year and the effects are devastating for the solving of files. It is about a lack of over 500 prosecutors in the parquets and several hundred lawyers in the courts. This occurs...   (11 afisari)
Driven to extremity
-- Ioan Niculae was forced to sell ASIROM (Romanian Insurance Company) because of the debts of the other companies he controls
Vienna Insurance Group bought in July a block of 30.51% of the insurance company for 46.79 M Euro. Following the transaction, Niculae was left with approximately 20% of ASIROM. The businessmen claims that a part of the sum cashed will be directed to the complexes of fertilizers he took over and which have debts of tens of M Euro to the state budget. In...   (19 afisari)
PD loses points
If Euro-elections were to take place next Sunday, PD (Democrat Party) would get 34% of the Romanians' votes, by eight points less than in July (42.6%), according to a poll made by the Company of Sociological Research and Branding (CCSB) in 3-15 August. According to this study, PD is followed in the top of the voting intent by PSD (Social Democrat Party) - 19%, PNL (National Liberal Party) - 17% (increasing by almost four points as compared to July), PNG (New...   (20 afisari)
Melescanu evaluates PSD vote of censure
PNL (National Liberal Party) vice-president Teodor Melescanu stated yesterday at the TNL (National Liberal Youth) Summer School at Costinesti that, speaking of the vote of censure they've announced, the Social Democrats have two options: "either they get into a mess, or they make a fool of themselves". Melescanu claimed there are good chances that this vote of censure doesn't pass. When one of the young Liberals asked him about the PSD...   (23 afisari)
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