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  Nr. 3985 de joi, 19 iulie 2007 
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Dick Marty, a ticket to Tiraspol
After having been released from prison, Andrei Ivantoc ran back to native Transdniestria over the artificial border to send a message. It was a double message that had a double destination: Russia and the Free World. The message that he continues the fight after having been freed from the terrorist hell in Tiraspol and that this fight is meant to refer of the flagrant violation of the territorial integrity of an independent state, the Republic of Moldova,...   (20 afisari)
PSD has blocked the uninominal
-- ProDemocratia Association (APD) is not happy at all that the Social-Democrats have violated the agreement of supporting the electoral code project. APD strongly protested yesterday against the attempts of blocking the electoral reform. It also criticized in harsh terms the politicians from the Electoral Code Committee, which have violated the PSD (Social Democrat Party) - PNL (National Liberal Party) - PD (Democrat party) agreement of supporting the project...
   (20 afisari)
-- MoFA waits for its analysis regarding Russia's decision to suspend the CFE Treaty to be discussed today in the Supreme Council of National Defense (CSAT)
Moscow is making a step forward and two backward about the re-debate of the suspension of its participation in the CFE (Conventional Armed Forces in Europe) Treaty, and announced its availability to take over these negotiations with the United States, however not with NATO. Meantime, Romanian diplomacy wants to bring this matter...   (30 afisari)
UDMR depends on Tokes
-- "The Union is in a such critical situation that it would accept anything to be above the electoral 5% threshold"
The CNMT president Laszlo Tokes made yesterday public the conditions under which he would accept the UDMR (The Democratic Union of the Magyars in Romania) invitation to participate in the Europarliamentary election on a common list. Aware of the fact that "the Union is in a such critical situation that it would accept anything to be above the...   (17 afisari)
Geoana in the corner
-- Adrian Nastase wants to return to the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) leadership. The intention the former president of the Social Democrats comes at a time not quite favourable to Mircea Geoana. Two days ago, an influent member of the Group of Cluj, Vasile Dancu, resigned from the party's leadership - which certified the separation between the Transylvanian group and the PSD president. Without the support of the Ioan Rus-led wing - that helped him become the party leader...
   (24 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Mockery over Prut River
-- Tens of thousands of Bessarabya people have been waiting for years to be granted the Romanian citizenship. Although they win in justice, Chiuariu, for whom a four-year period is a reasonable term to give a solution to an application, is hoaxing them
At the Committee to ascertain the conditions for granting the citizenship, from the Ministry of Justice, there are files with applications dating from 2002. The aberration has reached such levels that for publishing...   (23 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Basescu endorses pension law
-- President Traian Basescu announced yesterday that he endorsed the Pension Law, following that it is published in the Official Gazette of Romania.
After having explained what has made him put his signature on the legislative document, i.e. the consensus of the political parties, the head of state had very harsh critiques against the PM and also against the two "incompetent" ministers who had signed the answer-letter on funding the increase of the pensions....   (22 afisari)
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 Dick Marty, un bilet pentru Tiraspol (2110 afisari)
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 Basescu a cerut Guvernului ca in 2008 bugetul Apararii sa fie 2,38% din PIB (226 afisari)
 Sapte romani morti intr-un accident in Ungaria (140 afisari)
 SUA avertizeaza Moscova in legatura cu pozitia fata de viitorul provinciei Kosovo (107 afisari)
 Geoana, ba, Iliescu, da lui Nastase, dar intr-un gand pentru grupul de la Cluj (104 afisari)
 Rusia va expulza patru diplomati britanici (91 afisari)
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