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  Nr. 3965 de marti, 26 iunie 2007 
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Marty's report and terrorists' laughter
By their attacks in September 11, 2001, the terrorists wanted to undermine US economy and leave the US, the country of freedom and human rights, with no choice but take drastic measures against terrorism in order to be accused of breaking citizens' liberties and human rights.
The Dick Marty report incriminating the alleged CIA detention centers in some European states shows the flawed immunity system of the Free World, which protects terrorism...   (43 afisari)
Foreign minister humiliated at US border
Romania's foreign minister Adrian Cioroianu was humiliated when entering the US. He had to take off his belt and shoes, as he wasn't treated like a high official in an official visit, but like some immigrant. He was fingerprinted, his retina was scanned and he was photographed for the record of the US interior security. ZIUA sources say the US officers asked minister Cioroianu about the purpose of his visit to the US and they were not impressed that...   (53 afisari)
Persisting flaws after 6 months of EU membership
The report monitoring Romania's progress with the Justice reform reached Radio France International two days before the official release due in June 27. According to the RFI information that Medifax Agency invokes, the European Commission thinks Romania has been making progress with Justice and the application of the safeguard clause is not recommended. The document mentions the progress the CSM (Superior Council of Magistracy) has been making...   (33 afisari)
Justice minister: Macovei is against national interest
While taking to the deputies in the juridical committee yesterday, the Romanian Justice minister Tudor Chiuariu was very critical of Monica Macovei, Romania's former Justice minister. He claimed the latter was having action against national interest by her initiative of sending reports criticizing the evolution in Romanian Justice in relation to he Initiative for Clean Justice.
"Monica Macovei wants to make them believe that only...   (31 afisari)
Black Sea highway
A highway to surround the Black Sea and the development of marine transport in the Black Sea region are the two projects that arrested the attention of presidents and prime ministers of states affiliated to the BSEC (Black Sea Economic Cooperation), who met in Istanbul, Turkey, yesterday. Romania's complex Black Sea project seems to be in the hands of Russia, Turkey and Germany, now working on an EU plan on Pontus Euxinus. It is to be reminded that the Black Sea highway...   (39 afisari)
Admission score for friends
The score political parties need to make it to the Parliament, 5% at present, may go down to 2% once the uninominal vote is settled. It is a project for which the Tariceanu Cabinet intends to take responsibility in the Parliament unless it passes on time. Such a change would allow parties like the PC (Conservative Party), the AP (Popular Alliance) or the PNTCD (National Christian-Democrat Party) to join the Parliament after the future elections.
According...   (29 afisari)
Busy with elections of MEPs
Parliamentary parties are busy with the approaching elections of MEPs in Romania. The Democrats have announced their candidate list is going to be released over a few weeks and the Social-Democrats are to meet the day after tomorrow to decide on the candidates who want to reach Brussels.
Emil Boc, a president of the PD (Democrat Party), announced yesterday that the candidates on the list would be introduced to the press alphabetically. Their presence...   (33 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Dimitrie Cantemir Museum opens in Istanbul
The President of Romania opened attended yesterday's opening of the Dimitrie Cantemir Museum in Istanbul, housed in the Fener Quarter building where the Romanian scholar had lived. The memorial house is situated on a narrow, crowded street in the Fener Quarter.
The Romanian President, the mayor of Istanbul and the head of the European Commission's delegation in Turkey delivered brief speeches on scholar Dimitrie Cantemir and his contribution...   (41 afisari)
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