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  Nr. 3955 de joi, 14 iunie 2007 
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Romania 2007 seen from abroad
The war the ex partners in the Liberal-Democrat Alliance are fighting could not show a positive 'image' of Romania abroad. The whole adventure, culminating in the attempt to revoke the head of state, was first perceived as very worrying. It was presented as such by two main information means. By the political means the representatives of the PD (Democrat Party) provided European officials and bureaucrats and first of all the European Christian-Democrats,...   (36 afisari)
SRI suspected of political police activity
The report authored by the committee to check on the SRI (Romanian Secret Service) will stipulate that the institution is suspected of "political police" activity in the scandal on the notes written by the SRI deputy Florin Coldea on Constitutional Court judges. The information comes from sources in the committee who questioned the SRI chief. Sources say: "To ask on the phone for information about the Constitutional Court judges and to get it on...   (21 afisari)
Omar Hayssam to spend 20 years in prison
Yesterday the Bucharest Court of Appeal sentenced Syrian businessman Omar Hayssam to 20 years of prison for terrorism and involvement in the kidnap of the three Romanian journalists in Baghdad in 2005. The charged actually got two sentences, 20 years of prison for terrorism and 15 years for breaking the law to counter terrorism, but he is to obey the first sentence only.
The court also decided the confiscation of $ 30.000 and moral damages of...   (18 afisari)
Romanian foreign minister talks to Condoleezza Rice in Washington
Romania's foreign minister Adrian Cioroianu started his 2-day visit in the US last Tuesday. Yesterday while in Washington he had a meeting with the US state secretary Condoleezza Rice as well as with more officials of the Bush Administration.
Yesterday morning the Romanian official talked to Gordon England, a deputy secretary of defense, and later on he was to meet with Condoleezza Rice. In the afternoon the Romanian minister...   (26 afisari)
Senators decide government is too busy for ordinances
The Romanian senate has not granted the government with the right to come up with ordinances while the MPs are on holidays. Although all the special committees in the Senate consented to the law draft allowing the government to issue ordinances, it was only the senators from the PNL (National Liberal Party) and the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) who voted for it yesterday.
This is the first time such a decision has...   (19 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Financial Times: Romania and Bulgaria likely to escape safeguard clause
"Bulgaria and Romania are expected to escape European Union sanctions this month in spite of their failure to crack down on corruption and organised crime since joining the club in January." This is the conclusion expressed in a report published yesterday by the Financial Times, commenting on the Barroso's Tuesday warning for the two newcomers. The president of the European Commission claimed that Romania...   (24 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Bush congratulates Constantinescu for contribution against communism
The US President George W. Bush in person congratulated Emil Constantinescu, an ex President of Romania, for his contribution to mark Romania's separation from communism, informs the ex President's press office.
Emil Constantinescu was congratulated while in Washington in June 12, attending the reunions dedicated to the Victims of Communism Memorial. Emil Constantinescu attended the event as member of the...   (23 afisari)
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 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Madonna nu e in apele ei (4020 afisari)
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 Stolojan recunoaste valoarea (2265 afisari)
 Arma din secolul XIX descoperita in burta unei balene (2229 afisari)
 Pensionarii nimanui (2124 afisari)
 Ungaria, "ingrijorata" de anchetarea ministrilor UDMR (160 afisari)
 Cioroianu da, da, da (142 afisari)
 Aripile din PSD, la razboi (116 afisari)
 Alpha Dog (Mascul necrutator) (79 afisari)
 Il privesti, si nu e! (64 afisari)
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