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  Nr. 3935 de marti, 22 mai 2007 
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Racism and political war
The major challenge Romania is facing is that the winning President won due to a violent, extremist, xenophobe and populist discourse, addressing a certain electorate category who praises such products. Right after his victory, when EU officials were expressing their congratulations conventionally, Basescu proved to be a racist too: he called a journalist doing her job in a public place "a stinky gypsy". It was a few minutes after he had just took her cell phone....   (36 afisari)
Parliament of Europe wants early elections at once
The German MEP Elmar Brok, member of the EPP, commented that the outcome of Saturday's referendum was a clear vote against corruption. In his opinion, early elections should follow as soon as possible, according to the Internet edition of Deutsche Welle. The German official claimed that the vote for President Basescu expressed the electorate's will for the continuation of deadlocked reforms in Justice and the fight against corruption. In...   (24 afisari)
Referendum outcome in international press
-- Financial Times: Safeguard clause likely to be applied
The Financial Times report reiterates Brussels officials' recommendations after the referendum for Bucharest authorities. There is mentioned Barroso's demand that Romanian should continue reforms, as the EU is concerned about the ongoing political disputes paralyzing such processes, the fight of corruption included. The report notices that after Saturday's referendum Basescu's adversaries promised...   (24 afisari)
Romanians on Europeans: thrifty, haughty and distant
Romanians perceive the Europeans as rather thrifty, haughty and distant people. As for how Romanians describe themselves, it looks as follows: traditionalist, talkative, strained and competent. This is the conclusion of a research by the Governmental Strategy Agency, accomplished in April-May.
Most of the people questioned take pride in their Romanian origin. As for what they think of their fellow Romanians, the perception sticks to...   (21 afisari)
President steals and apologizes
Presidency sent a press release yesterday informing: "President Traian Basescu is sorry for the inappropriate language ("stinky gypsy") used in a private conversation". Still the document doesn't make clear the crime the head of state committed.
The suspended President apologized to journalist Andreea Pana. Last Saturday he took her mobile phone. The information is included in the press release authored by Presidency spokesman Valeriu Turcan. What the...   (28 afisari)
Dispute over alliance making
Political parties are analyzing the situation after the referendum and conclusions as follows are being reached: party heads admit they are responsible for the failure, still no one is resigning. The Liberals and the Democrat Liberals are starting fight over attracting the center right groups.
PNL wants unification of right parties
Calin Popescu Tariceanu, president of the PNL (National Liberal Party), claims the Liberals are pursuing the reunification...   (24 afisari)
PSD muffles guilty
The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) has found no one was guilty of the party's failure in the referendum. After a 6-hour meeting, party heads decided everyone was responsible for the failing action to suspend President Traian Basescu, but no one was to pay for it.
Still the PSD president Mircea Geoana threatened the Tariceanu Cabinet, claiming the PSD was reticent about continuing to support the present government. He announced the PSD would start "fathoming...   (18 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Suspended president meets with interim president
Traian Basescu, Romania's suspended President, and Nicolae Vacaroiu, Romania's interim President met in Cotroceni Palace yesterday afternoon to talk about the latter's presidency and about the time when Traian Basescu would take over. They also discussed about the Presidency agenda for this week.
Basescu may come back to Cotroceni Palace only after the Constitutional Court declares last Saturday's referendum valid and decides...   (16 afisari)
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