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  Nr. 3847 de luni, 5 februarie 2007 
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Time for government restructuring
A major change of the Bucharest authority's structure can be felt in the air. The operation meant to split the Liberals from the Social-Democrats for good, as the latter are sure to be after an alliance with the Liberal Democrat Party, can but deprive the presidential party of governmental position. The only way to do it is the restructuring of the government, followed by a vote of confidence from the Parliament. Razvan Ungureanu's resignation can only...   (37 afisari)
Minister Ungureanu resigns today
Yesterday the Romanian foreign minister Mihai Razvan Ungureanu announced he would resign today, hand the Romanian PM his resignation and provide explanations to the Political Committee of the PNL (National Liberal Party). Ungureanu explained he wasn't resigning to obey the PM's command. Still he admitted he wouldn't be doing this, hadn't he been required to.
Minister says it's his fault
Ungureanu admitted he was guilty of not having informed the Romanian...   (27 afisari)
Cioroianu is favourite
Liberal Adrian Cioroianu stands most chances to be appointed a minister of foreign affairs after Mihai Razvan Ungureanu resigns. There are PNL (National Liberal Party) sources claiming that Tariceanu and the Liberal leaders have analyzed the issue and they say Adrian Cioroianu and Theodor Melescanu are at stake. Still sources admit the Liberals are rather fond of the former.
Reward for resignation
The PM talked to the foreign minister yesterday morning and asked...   (27 afisari)
President's daring approach to energy issue
Although he is no adversary of Russia as far as the energy issue is concerned, but just an opponent of "certain practices" in the field, the President of Romania Traian Basescu insinuated yesterday that he had no intention of surrendering in a possible dispute with Moscow on the issue.
"Romania hasn't got a submissive President, at least not under the present mandate! I won't make my people kneel in front of anyone as long as I am a President",...   (24 afisari)
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Swearing like troopers
-- The President of Romania Traian Basescu started it by calling politicians liars and swindlers. The PM's response used the same vocabulary.
The stage of politics has now got to house swearing like troopers used as argument. Political leaders have been calling each other names. Education and civism have been all forgotten. In his crazy quest for a figment of the imagination such as the absolute leader, the President has brought dirty language to Cotroceni Palace....   (26 afisari)      1 comentariu
Parliament to face petty politics
Romanian senators and deputies are back to work now, getting ready for a term estimated to be much noisy and complicated, given the state of domestic politics and the laws to pass.
MPs are to vote for or against two important Social-Democrat initiatives: one meant to suspend the President of Romania Traian Basescu and one parliamentary motion against the government, announced when Romania was seized with the "pink note" scandal. Only the PRM ("Greater...   (16 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Stolojan mobilizes civil society
Theodor Stolojan, leader of the newly made PLD (Liberal Democrat Party), asked civil society yesterday to reactivate the "Coalition for Clean Government" in the context of the Romanian foreign minister's resignation. Stolojan claimed PM Tariceanu had to be stopped from his attempt to dismiss the foreign minister because of his "pride".
Stolojan urged: "We are kindly asking civil society to reactive tha Coalition for a Clean Government and take...   (20 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Safeguard clause may be activated because of ANI
The President of Romania Traian Basescu said yesterday that the safeguard clause might be activated on Romanian Justice unless the law on the ANI (National Integrity Agency) was adopted. He reminded that authorities had agreed on "the famous law promoted by Mrs. Monica Macovei" with the European Commission and the institution to be made was thought to be a condition "to turn that red flag yellow".
The President argued: "I am...   (17 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Five Romanians become Knights of Malta
During yesterday's Holy Mass at St. Joseph Cathedral in Bucharest five Romanians were awarded the Sovereign Order of Malta and became Knights of Malta.
The Ambassador of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta in Romania and the Association's Commissioner Franz Alfred Graf von Hartig, together with Constantin Balaceanu Stolnici, head of the Orthodox Family Order in Romania, attended the ceremony. Three Catholics and five Orthodox Christians...   (32 afisari)
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 Marul discordiei de azi din Alianta, PSD, tot strange capete de acuzare pentru demiterea lui Basescu (48 afisari)
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