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  Nr. 3816 de joi, 28 decembrie 2006 
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The power of corruption
The Alliance in power took over two years ago and market research is now reaching a very worrying conclusion: Romanians perceive corruption as the main threat against citizens' safety. What is going on? Has corruption defeated Basescu and Macovei, the self-proclaimed leaders of this struggle meant to restore the law? Did they miss the rendez-vous with the 'pales in Victoria Square'? Or are we to find an explanation somewhere else? After all, what do the way people...   (34 afisari)
Battle for official seats in Brussels
Romanian and Bulgarian applicants to jobs in EU institutions sent more than 14,000 C.V.s. There already are 134 Romanians employed by the European Commission as "temporary agents". There is a total of 1.058 jobs available for Romanians and Bulgarians in the next five years. The usual contest procedure is to follow afterwards. There are 698 jobs available for Romanians, some of them management jobs. The office in charge of selecting the European staff...   (18 afisari)
PD-PLD foundation
Emil Boc's Democrats and Theodor Stolojan's group decided yesterday to proceed to collaboration and organize debates on the idea of bringing political right forces together and also of establishing a foundation to support this.
Romanian Liberals take these common plans of the PD (Democrat Party) and the PLD (Liberal Democrat Party) as offensive against the Alliance in power. After the meeting of the Liberals' Executive Committee, leader Calin Popescu Tariceanu commented...   (24 afisari)
PNL is against agreement with PSD
Liberal deputy Crin Antonescu said yesterday that the party he belonged to had no intention to reach agreement with the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and he claimed that the PNL (National Liberal Party) wouldn't want to prevent the PD (Democrat Party) from going for a different Alliance. Still he pointed that the Alliance in power was made up of the PNL and the PD and he opined it would survive as long as this structure survived.
As for...   (18 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romania and Bulgaria are challenges for EU
Romania and Bulgaria are going to join the EU just in time, right after Brussels' decision to put an end to the EU enlargement process until getting the institutional and financial means needed for consolidating the "capacity of integration", reports Le Monde in yesterday's edition.
The EU bet that it would prove enlargement to be a process under control, due to the cautious admission of Romania and Bulgaria. The French daily report...   (18 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Common fight against sexual slavery
Just as they are about to join the EU, Romania and Bulgaria are taking pains in order to diminish flesh and drug trafficking, which is typical of the Black Sea region, which will soon become the Eastern border of the EU, according to a commentary by Reuters.
The report has it that each and every year hundreds of young Romanian females, some aged 13, are kidnapped or allured to the West, as they are promised large wages jobs or marriages....   (20 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Huge taxes coming up
Next year is to bring lots of raised fees and taxes. The fees Romanians pay for houses larger than 150 meters will be much more expensive. Every 50 square meters more will mean 5% more to pay.
The fee you pay to register your new car will also be raised, just as the car fee will be double. The same will happen to the taxes for the rural world. Local councils will be in charge of deciding on local taxes and fees 20% larger than in the Fiscal Code at most....   (18 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Open Parliament
The Parliament of Romania is to open doors in January 1-5, 2006 for all those who wish to step in and visit the building. This is part of the "Open Parliament" project, emphasizing Romania's accession to the EU.
Georgeta Ionescu, a general secretary of Deputies Chamber, explains: "This initiative is meant to bring citizens closer to the parliamentary institution."
Visits may be paid in January 1, 2007, 2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. and Tuesday-Friday, 10:00 a.m.- 4:00...   (13 afisari)
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