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  Nr. 3814 de sambata, 23 decembrie 2006 
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A law for silence in the Parliament
French President Jacques Chirac has recently demanded investigations on ex history professor Robert Faurisson, one of the researchers throwing doubt on the existence of the Holocaust in the recently ended (and already famous) Teheran conference. According to the Gayssot law, adopted in France in July 1990, anyone denying the existence of a crime against humanity such as defined in the London Chart in 1945, after the Nuremberg trials is sentenced to...   (30 afisari)
CEC remains state property
The CEC (Romanian Savings Bank) is to remain a state property for at least two years from now on. The commission in charge of the privatization turned down the financial offer from the National Bank of Greece, the only investor selected in the end. The commission decided the offer consisting in about 560 million Euro was too poor.
Vladescu: CEC is worth 1 billion Euro
The Romanian finance minister Sebastian Vladescu, also a president of the above mentioned...   (24 afisari)
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What separates us from EU
Romania has had a positive evolution, but many things are still keeping it outside the European Union. This is what the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu said yesterday in a message he delivered as the year was approaching an end.
He commented: "I wanted us to achieve more. We have still got important things to do. Romania has had a positive evolution, but many things are still separating us from the European Union." Although Romania would have a...   (38 afisari)
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Patapievici to sue Vadim
Horia Roman Patapievici wants to sue Corneliu Vadim Tudor, president of the PRM ("Great Romania" Party), for insult and threat to aggress him physically.
He explains: "I have been talking to my lawyer and I will sue Vadim Tudor for insult and threat to aggress me physically. I don't know if I may sue him for the hooligan behavior he has got in the Parliament of Romania. As citizens of Romania, I am outraged that the representatives of an extremist...   (41 afisari)
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Benyatov stays behind bars
Vadim Benyatov is still under arrest, because the High Court admitted prosecutors' appeal against the decision to revoke the warrant against him, reached last Wednesday by Bucharest Court of Appeal.
The Court also dismissed all the exceptions raised by Benyatov's lawyers. (...) (B.C.G.)   (30 afisari)
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Real cheat
In Romania there are buildings that can collapse out of the blue. The Telephone Palace in Bucharest is an example, because of having been rebuilt with material not meeting legal standards.
The expertise ordered by the beneficiaries of this work show that Elcon Management company, producer of the PREMIX concrete works, is to be blamed for such a deadly risk. According to lab tests, the concrete delivered by the company belonging to Greek citizen Ilias Anastasiou is...   (39 afisari)
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