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  Nr. 3813 de vineri, 22 decembrie 2006 
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It's my small country's fault (III)
How can the lack of solidarity, divagation and lack of synchronization preventing Romania from making progress be diminished? The analyst offers solutions that make even the ones willing to credit him doubt. As far as the conditions society needs in order to operate are concerned, the analyst's message is 'reconciliation seems to be the final solution'.
This is interesting, not because it is new, but because it is constant. The type of solution from...   (23 afisari)
King in Parliament
-- In an article you can read down below, Prince Radu explains the reasons why the contribution of King Mihai I to Romania's European destiny must be remembered.
On Wednesday 20 it was the second time in only two days that I attended the solemn session of the Romanian Parliament. To Princess Margareta and to me it was a historical moment. We were born 5 decades ago. We had the opportunity to reach several Parliaments of the world, to meet lots of politicians and statesmen...   (139 afisari)
President Basescu presses alarm button
Next year there might follow "general alarm", said the President of Romania Traian Basescu while in the Ministry of Defense building. He told the attendants he would talk to them about it after January 1, 2007.
The President provided no other details. Spokeswoman Adriana Saftoiu explained the President meant a test the military would be likely to be put through the following year, so that their response capacity would be checked.
The President...   (22 afisari)
President criticizes journalists and lawyers
-- The President of Romania Traian Basescu attended yesterday this year's last session of the CSM (Superior Council of Magistrates), in order to force this institution into consenting on the projected regulation for the Prosecutor's Office.
While listening to the summary presented by the Romanian General Attorney Laura Kovesi the President kept on frowning. He said he would leave only when the regulation would have been validated. At a certain moment...   (19 afisari)
The politician of 2006 avoided laurels
The winners of the "Ten for Romania" programme organized by Realitatea TV were awarded on Thursday evening's special show housed by the Romanian Athenaeum. The festivity was also special due to special guest Helmut Kohl, formerly a Chancellor of Germany.
The "Politician of the Year" award went to the President of Romania Traian Basescu, but he didn't attend the ceremony. In a document he sent the organizers during the show he mentioned he was...   (19 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Seres charged with treason
-- Yesterday prosecutors charged ex economy minister Codrut Seres with treason by means of providing secret information in the strategic privatization case.
When reaching the Prosecutor's Office Seres claimed it was only about "a political case and a media scandal plotted by puppeteer Traian Basescu and carried out by Mrs. Monica Macovei."
The minister has lately kept on claiming the same. Yesterday he mentioned the case was meant to show how much...   (14 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Tismaneanu Report is perfectible
Vladimir Tismaneanu mentions by press release that the Report by the Presidential Commission to analyze the former Communist dictatorship in Romania is "perfectible" and he also claims that there is willingness for dialogue with all the academia and other institutions interested in it.
As far as the press release by Romanian Patriarchy is concerned, Tismaneanu explains the Report is "the preliminary version of the text to be edited by a publishing...   (26 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Against Elena
The Romanian transport minister criticized the Romanian bosses in the concrete business sticking together in the "Golden Blitz" group of interests, under Elena Udrea's protection.
Minister Berceanu commented: "Ever since winning the auction they have been ceaselessly quarrelling. All the three of them (Dan Besciu, Costel Casuneanu and Dorinel Umbrarescu) are bandits who want to cheat on each other. I have told them: Unless you start work by March, I will bestow...   (30 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Moldovan Republic citizens to get visa for free
The citizens of the Moldovan republic will be allowed to travel to Romania on visa for free, just as Romanians may travel to the Moldovan Republic without needing a visa.
Yesterday the Romanian government and the Moldovan government consented to agreement on their citizens' mutual travels. The agreement had been signed in October 20, 2006. It was the Romanian interior minister Vasile Blaga who announced it. (C.S.)   (18 afisari)
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