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  Nr. 3810 de marti, 19 decembrie 2006 
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A good mark
Traian Basescu can finally get a good mark. We have finally got an official condemnation of communism. We can finally start to make a separation between what was and what will be. That historical parenthesis we call transition is over in moral terms too.
Traian Basescu can be reproached for having recently put it bluntly that he, as a person, doesn't condemn communism. But he has also got an undeniable merit, due to which he has got extra votes: in the last electoral confrontation...   (36 afisari)
The exorcised
Yesterday the President of Romania Traian Basescu condemned the Communist regime explicitly and categorically. He did it in front of the Parliament, describing communism as "an illegitimate and criminal" system, insisting that, in keeping with the Constitution, his message was an official document of the Romanian state.
Romania has thus become the first state among the ex Soviet ones to condemn the Communist regime officially. At 17 years after the collapse of dictator...   (48 afisari)
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President Basescu's requests
Yesterday the President of Romania Traian Basescu expressed some requests in front of the Parliament, on grounds of the suggestions belonging to the members of the Presidential Commission looking into the Communist dictatorship. The suggestions are part of the final report presented yesterday. Here are the main requests of the President:
1.Both Parliament Chambers should support his Declaration condemning Communist crimes and expressing regret and compassion...   (27 afisari)
Condemnation of the Communist regime in comments
Historian Neagu Djuvara claims Vladimir Tismaneanu's report on the Communist regime in Romania is welcome, even if at 17 years after 1989, thinking the report is good work. He emphasizes the need to punish those who took advantage of the system.
Jelev and Walesa have got no comments
After yesterday's scandal occurred while the President of Romanian was reading out his speech to condemn communism, two special guests, ex Bulgarian President...   (32 afisari)
Romanians think communism is a good idea
53% of Romanians believe Communist society to be a good idea and only 34% think it to be a bad one. This is the conclusion reached in an opinion poll achieved by the Foundation for an Open Society last October.
According to the research, 12% of Romanians opine communism was a good idea well used, whereas 41% believe it was a poorly used good idea. The pollster offers 3 types of explanations on such a perception.
Economic nostalgia
The main...   (30 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Goma's refusal
Writer Paul Goma decided to turn down the Romanian President's invitation to attend the parliamentary session when the head of state presented the conclusions of the Presidential Commission's report on the Communist dictatorship in Romania. The reason of this refusal is in the last letter Goma wrote to President Basescu last November, claiming that he should get his Romanian citizenship and rights back. Romanian authorities received an appeal signed by 500 people...   (32 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Muzzles for journalists
After failing to provide Romania with a European criminal code and postponing twice a criminal code voted by the Parliament, the Ministry of Justice is now plotting a third version of a criminal code, but one to annul the version in use and also the one the Parliament adopted. This new version now being elaborated by a team of unknown magistrates is aimed at including in the national legislation some law articles to do away with the freedom of expression...   (20 afisari)
Liberals go by themselves
Yesterday the PNL (National Liberal Party) leaders decided the Liberals would run on their own lists in the elections for the Parliament of Europe. Liberal sources say it was unanimously agreed to drop dead the idea that the Liberals and the Democrats should share the candidate lists.
Sources comment: "The PNL will have their own candidates for the Parliament of Europe. We have kept on negotiating with the Democrat Party, but in vain. It seems on...   (20 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Exorcizatii (7243 afisari)
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 Discursul pe care Regele Mihai ar fi trebuit sa il rosteasca in Parlament (3839 afisari)
 Bila alba (3184 afisari)
 Un Raport bine facut, elaborat de un comunist (2963 afisari)
 Lech Walesa: Condamnarea comunismului trebuie urmata de lustratie (521 afisari)
 Joseph Barbera, cel de-al doilea parinte al lui Tom si Jerry, a murit (101 afisari)
 24 pentru Stolojan (82 afisari)
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