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  Nr. 3809 de luni, 18 decembrie 2006 
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Mounting evidence against Iliescu
Ion Iliescu is the politician who harmed post-communist Romania most. I wrote about it before the elections in 1992 and there were more who opined the same. But our opinions didn't prevent Romanians from reelecting him president in 1992 and in 2000 too. 'The tyranny of the majority' is the congenital defect of democracy, which Tocqueville had already noticed in 1830. Still many continue to think that if one has got vote majority, even if one is Hitler...   (35 afisari)
Politicians between heaven and hell
What about Basescu, Iliescu, Stolojan, Nastase, Tariceanu? Where will God send these political leaders: to heaven or hell? An opinion poll released yesterday and titled 'Religion and Politics', authored by the BCS (Social Research Office), shows how Romanians answer this question and others.
Half of Romanians know for sure what divine ransom these main political leaders will get. According to the majority, there are only 3 such politicians who can hope...   (30 afisari)
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Arguments harm Romania's integration severely
The EU Commissioner for Multilingualism Leonard Orban expressed regret yesterday that because of domestic political disputes in Romania there were no public debates on European issues. He demanded that authorities should urgently settle a system to see to European affairs. According to the new EU Commissioner, Romania must become aware that starting with January 1, 2007, in Brussels and more European capital cities, authorities will start to...   (28 afisari)
Marko Bela wants respect
"We must oppose what some wish: to compromise the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) and drive this group away from politics. We have approached our participation to the government with devotion. These young men (such as the communication minister Nagy Zsolt) took their oath in pride and listened to this country's hymn. We want respect from our partners. We are determined to deny such accusations, which remind about the fake trails of the 50s. We mustn't...   (18 afisari)
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Basescu's ex Securitate members
Many of the administrative staff now providing physical and information protection to the President of Romania Traian Basescu come from Ceausescu's guard.
General Alexandru Burian, an executive of the SPP (Guard and Protection Service) director, admits that 2,5% of the employees were members of the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania). 40% of them were active officers before 1989, most of them lieutenants. Now a great number of...   (31 afisari)
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SJP works on 'The White Book of Romanian Journalists'
Robert Turceascu launched the SJP (Society of Professional Journalists) yesterday, an organization he is head of. In Romania there are now more than 30 media organizations, but the SJP hopes the difference will emerge in terms of professional training programmes and activities to improve the standards of Romanian professional journalists.
The newly made organization is mainly aimed at the new wave journalists working after...   (15 afisari)
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Adopted child trafficking
While foreign families disallowed to adopt children from Romania have been suing the ORA (Romanian Office for Child Adoption), Romanian authorities have continued to detect more cases of illegal international child adoption. Theodora Bertzi, head of the ORA, said it yesterday. She explained: "There have been 15 lawsuits because of foreign families wishing to adopt Romanian children who sued the ORA. There are now 10 trials left. I think behind such initiatives...   (23 afisari)
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Alliance against Bastroe project
The World Wide Fund and Germany joined Romania's opposition to the Ukrainian project aimed at building the Bastroe shipping canal through the Danube Delta. Lucia Varga, a state secretary in the Ministry of Environment, has announced it.
Vienna has just housed the 9th ordinary reunion of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River. Together with Germany and the WWF, Romania asked Ukraine for information on the Bastroe...   (22 afisari)
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