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  Nr. 3807 de vineri, 15 decembrie 2006 
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DNA jokers
There was noisy fuss in the High Court building yesterday because of the first trial against Dana and Adrian Nastase. While everyone was expecting the bulky Zambaccian case to break the courtroom's door, I can say we were only left with the door handle in our hands like some fools. Nastase had just had a haircut and he was in the mood of tricks. He demanded new court session because he had no defense. After all, what defense can you have when facing an indictment done for mockery,...   (23 afisari)
A gravedigger for Iliescu
Miron Cozma, formerly a leader of the coal miners in Romania, has decided to speak up and inform against the man responsible for the bloody miners' attacks in June 1990. His testimonies have become proves against the ex President of Romania.
Investigators looking into the case with Ion Iliescu as charged have got several proves against the latter. Two of them consist in testimonies belonging to Miron Cozma and the journal of the military at that time. The...   (24 afisari)
Tariceanu to be a minister of tourism too
The transfer of the ANT (National Authority for Tourism), whish is now to obey the Romanian PM, would be a premier in Europe. It would make Calin Popescu Tariceanu a minister of tourism too. This is what Radu Berceanu, the Romanian transport minister, said yesterday.
Last November Romanian deputies passed a project aimed at transferring the ANT to the PM's Cabinet.
The representatives of tourism unions claim such delay with naming a head for...   (18 afisari)
ZIUA under dirty offensive
As they are disturbed because of the Romanians' wish to have a national cathedral built, Victor Eskenasy Morosan and Smaranda Enache used the Free Europe Radio microphone to express a set of severe accusations against ZIUA.
The above-mentioned radio post lives on the financial contribution coming from the US citizens. But their editorial policy proved to be based on family relations, when in December 13 the journalists there asked Smaranda Enache for opinion,...   (23 afisari)
Voiculescu annoys Romanian Democrats
The Democrats are now really annoyed because of the agreement between the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu and Dan Voiculescu, formerly a colleague of his in the government. Vasile Blaga, a secretary general of the PD (Democrat Party), criticized the PM yesterday for helping Voiculescu to take 'an honorable exit'. Here is Blaga's comment: "I think it was Mr. Voiculescu's elegant exit from the game. Otherwise, I see no point in such unofficial talks...   (16 afisari)
Romanian general coordinates Iraqi war
A Romanian general has been assigned to coordinate military operations in Iraq. Starting this month General Dan Ghica coordinates the Operation Department of the multinational coalition in Iraq at Pentagon's wish, which is premier for Romania.
Ghica is actually working together with US generals on all the missions of thousands soldiers from the US, Britain, Australia, Romania and so on. Such official position means recognition of Romania's...   (16 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian community in Serbia left aside
Out of financial reasons which the Romanian state doesn't understand, the Romanians living in the Timic Valley region will search collaboration with other pro-Romanian states, as they are looking for the support they can't find in Bucharest.
In an open letter published in both Serbia and Romania the FRS (Federation of Romanians in Serbia), including several active associations of Romanians who live in the above-mentioned region, announces...   (17 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Turcescu to launch Professional Journalists Society
Robert Turcescu is going to launch the SJP (Professional Journalists Society) next Sunday. One objective of the organization to be established is a census of Romanian journalists. Turcescu explains to HotNews: "The Society will be an elite organization, not one of the masses." The journalist argues the main target will be to set a professional standard for journalists. He explains: "2007 will bring the Romanian press both the...   (10 afisari)
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