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  Nr. 3806 de joi, 14 decembrie 2006 
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Their transparency and ours
These days the European Commission is analyzing a highly important project focussed on making the EU structures and activities transparent. The debate starts from the initiative belonging to Estonian Siim Kallas, a vice president of the Commission in charge of administrative matters, audit and anti-fraud. More exactly, it is about a document titled "The European Initiative for Transparency". It has already undergone public debate, a source for the laws to pass...   (28 afisari)
Latest - In Brief
Voronin abolished the Christmas Tree
-- The Christmas Tree in the Republic of Moldova shall wear, following a presidential order, "national clothes" and shall be renamed "The Country's Tree"
President of the Republic of Moldova, Vladimir Voronin, gives more and more evident signs he has given up the pro-European orientation, heading instead, at full speed, towards Moscow. After having managed to impose an anti-Romanian history manual in the schools of the Republic of Moldova, Vladimir...   (20 afisari)
CEC is "butchered" on Christmas
-- The new owner of CEC (House of Savings and Deposits - in Romania) will be announced shortly before Christmas, after the Government approved, yesterday, the final version of the privatization contract. PSD (Social-Democrat Party), PRM (Greater Romania Party) and PIN (National Initiative Party) ask for stopping the sale of the last State owned bank.
Launched a year and a half ago, the "marathon" of the CEC privatization, the last commercial bank...   (16 afisari)
They came to an agreement
Prime Minister Calin Popescu-Tariceanu and the chairman of the Conservative Party (PC) Dan Voiculescu have come to an agreement on two projects the Conservative supported insistently: the no tax shall be laid on the reinvested profit and the VAT at the basic food products shall be of 9% and not of 19%. However, these measures shall not be applied this year. Given the fact that the PM had rejected before this meeting any attempt of the PC to condition...   (19 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Basescu and Tariceanu, at the EU summit
President Traian Basescu and Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu are taking part, today and tomorrow, in the European Council winter reunion, in Brussels. This is the last European summit before Romania's effective accession to the EU. The main subject of debate of the reunion will be the EU enlargement, according to the Presidential Administration. Heads of State and of Government will talk about the continuation of the EU enlargement...   (32 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
The OMV example
-- Romania runs the risk of being left without mineral waters by using the same doubtful manoeuvres by which she lost the crude oil and the gases once Petrom was privatized
The National Agency for Mineral Resources (Ro.: ANRM) wants to re-grant all the mineral water springs in Romania through a bidding contest. At the same time, the National Company of Mineral Waters (Ro.: SNAM) is to be wunded up by privatization. SNAM now holds 90% of the water pumps and mineral...   (12 afisari)
A r h i v a
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 Nicolae Ceausescu si Adrian Nastase, martori in procesul amanat al lui Nastase (614 afisari)
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 Peste trei sferturi din elita politica a Rusiei este formata din fosti si actuali spioni (66 afisari)
 Concluzia politiei britanice in cazul mortii printesei Diana: de vina a fost soferul beat (54 afisari)
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