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  Nr. 3804 de marti, 12 decembrie 2006 
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Curse of the Unanimity
It seems that PSD (Social-Democrat Party, now in opposition) has saved, probably forever, a characteristic of a totalitarian-type political conception from curse of the unanimity. It is for the second time consecutively when inside fight for the leading positions took place after many debates and through a mechanism that allowed multiple candidatures, true electoral campaigns and, of course, surprise. The first time, when Geoana, in the position of Iliescu's counter-candidate,...   (17 afisari)
Rejected from exportation
-- Leader of the European Liberal-Democrat Group in the European Parliament, Graham Watson, says Basescu used Stolojan to break PNL
The leader of the European Liberal-Democrat Group (ALDE) in the European Parliament, Graham Watson considers that Traian Basescu used Theodor Stolojan to break the National Liberal Party, according to a Deutsche Welle release, taken by Rador. In an interview released yesterday, Watson states he doesn't expect to receive an application for affiliation...   (30 afisari)
Musca: I respect Mr. Watson
Deputy Mona Musca said yesterday she didn't want to comment upon statements she did not see or hear in the language they had been expressed. Otherwise, Musca said she had "a high respect" for Watson, especially they have always understood each other very well. "In this respect, I could never say something to harm him", commented Mona Musca, Deputy from the newly created party around the Stoica-Stolojan platform supporters. (C.E.)   (25 afisari)
"Graham Watson, manipulated"
"I believe Mr. Graham Watson is misinformed. I am deeply sorry that, although he has a critic spirit, he got a false information. Mr. Watson's statement is the result of a manipulation. Under different circumstances, we wouldn't have had such statements. Manipulation was done by friends from Romania". (R.G.)   (26 afisari)
Boc asks for Tariceanu's resignation
The Democrat Leader Emil Boc asked, for the first time two days ago, for the resignation of Prime Minister Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, to launch anticipated elections. "PD (Democrat Party) has always accepted the anticipated elections, has never rejected them and I invite PM Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, to present his resignation within the constitutional framework. And I assure him that the Democrat Party will benefit of all support for the anticipated elections",...   (23 afisari)
The days of the D.A. Alliance are counted
-- The Liberals expressed their discontent towards the arrangements made by the Democrats and considered "any negotiation meeting between PD (Democrat Party) and PLD (Liberal Democrat Party) represent a proof of hostility against PNL"
" Any negotiation meeting between PD and PLD represent a proof of hostility against PNL (National Liberal Party) and a violation of the DA (Justice and Truth) Alliance Collaboration Protocol", claimed yesterday Liberal vice-chairman,...   (29 afisari)
Frattini congratulates Romania
European Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security, Franco Frattini, Congratulated Romania and Bulgaria: "Both countries have made enormous progress, including reforms regarding the judiciary system, fight against corruption and organized crime".   (29 afisari)
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