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  Nr. 3803 de luni, 11 decembrie 2006 
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If not Basescu, then who?
There are more and more people with reasonable knowledge of politics who realize Romania can't survive the accession to the EU under circumstances of crisis. And the question in the title above is becoming more and more frequent.
I heard it in other circumstances too, before some leaders' decline has started. I heard it when the change was needed, but the spirit of it hadn't permeated common citizens' consciousness yet. Romanians wondered 'If not Iliescu,...   (33 afisari)
Child trafficking scares London
British authorities are taking efforts to fight child trafficking, but they fear it will get spread after Romania and Bulgaria join the EU. This is the opinion The Times expressed last Saturday. The British daily reports that last May Czech female Anna Puzova was arrested on Stanstand Airport, just as she was trying to bring 3 Romanian children to Britain illegally.
After being sued in Britain Puzova was sentenced to 3 years of prison for fetching children...   (67 afisari)
Geoana reelected
Mircea Geoana got one more mandate as president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party). After all the ballots were counted the score showed he had 70%. But the surprise was Titus Corlatean's victory, as he was elected a general secretary of the party, thus defeating Miron Mitrea. PSD sources claim this time the group in Cluj helped Mitrea lose.
After yesterday's voting Ion Iliescu became a president founder of the PSD. He is now being reactivated just one year after the...   (19 afisari)
Mitrea's move
The morning when the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) congress started the top party members knew Mircea Geoana's victory was certain. The lobbies were resounding with rumor that Sorin Oprescu, Geoana's opponent in elections for presidency over the party, was rated with 30-35% by Viorel Hrebenciuc.
Other leaders were thinking his chances would improve due to his 'good' or 'very good' speech. Although the outcome of the competition for leadership was predictable, the competition...   (15 afisari)
PD and PLD have their first session together
Today is the first time the Democrats are meeting at official level with the representatives of the Stolojan-Stoica group, the future PLD (Liberal-Democrat Party). They want to decide on future collaboration. (...)
Sources claim official collaboration between the two groups depends on the time when Stolojan's group may get officially registered as a political party. PD representatives admit: "It is true, one aspect of the PD-PLD collaboration...   (17 afisari)
Orban: PNL may get to join the opposition
Ludovic Orban, a leader of Bucharest Liberals, mentioned last Saturday that the Liberals might join the opposition. It was the first time he did this. According to Orban, the PNL (National Liberal Party) should decide to join the opposition in case the PD (Democrat Party) tried to replace the Liberals with Stolojan's group within the Alliance in power.
Here is his comment: "We must face destiny and stay an opposition party. We must...   (15 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romania doesn't acknowledge Transdniestria elections
Corin Vintan, a spokeswoman for the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, expressed Romania's view on the Transdniestria elections yesterday: "The elections are illegal and the results are null and they lack all public relevance. We believe the so-called elections to be a fake the Tyraspol regime needs for making up an impression of legitimacy, normality and legality. But not even these so-called elections will manage to put...   (26 afisari)
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Foreign Affairs subordinate to government
Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu announced yesterday that the government would reach decision to establish a Foreign Affairs Department. The PM explained it would be subordinate to him and he mentioned the institution was to reshape the activity of the Ministry of European Integration, as the latter would see to regional development matters. The project would be adopted soon, he added. He mentioned Democrat Anca Boagiu, a minister for...   (22 afisari)
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Ioana Maria Vlas stays behind bars
The High Court of Justice decided last Saturday that Ioan Maris Vlas, charged with causing the National Accumulation Fund to collapse, would stay in prison.
After deliberating for 2 hours the magistrates reached the final decision, according to which the accused would stay under precautionary arrest. Saturday's decision annuls the previous decision by Bucharest Court of Appeal, revoking the precautionary arrest warrant. Vlas claimed she was...   (12 afisari)
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Prisoners rebel
A law project belonging to deputy Nati Meir has made spirits hot in Romanian prisons. Last Wednesday hundreds of prisoners started protests all over the country. The uprising opened in Codlea, but it got spread in most prisons because of help from the media.
Hundreds of detainees started the greatest rebellion of the kind in Romania late last week. The prison in Codlea was the first to do it in December 7, as protest against opposition to the project of collective...   (18 afisari)
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Criminal Mr. Flutur
Gheorghe Flutur was an agriculture minister and previously a head of the Forest Department in Suceava. Due to such high positions he managed to get away with the lots of criminal cases against him, as Theodor Stolojan took action on the President of Romania Traian Basescu to give a hand. The damage Flutur caused reaches dozens of billions and it is the effect of various crimes: fake management, false statements, fiscal evasion, abuse against public interests,...   (31 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Un Fluture penal (5906 afisari)
 Cum vrea Mos Gerila Soros sa ne fure Craciunul (4111 afisari)
 Daca nu Basescu, atunci cine? (3015 afisari)
 Cazul Litvinenko relanseaza Razboiul Rece (2878 afisari)
 Confesiunile unui spargator (2804 afisari)
 Sorin Oprescu renunta la sefia PSD Bucuresti (362 afisari)
 Un bilet de autobuz, dovada ca Litvinenko a fost otravit la hotel (88 afisari)
 Luminita Gheorghiu, cea mai buna actrita in rol secundar (42 afisari)
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