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  Nr. 3802 de sambata, 9 decembrie 2006 
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The bet on Mircea Geoana
-- The Congress of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) is approaching and the outcome of it is crucial to the party. Who will the elected be? Mircea Geoana or Sorin Oprescu? Once the party gets stable leaders, this leftwing group will reach the end of the post-electoral decline and the beginning of an ascent that can be the way to a governmental mandate for 2008-2012 or even earlier.
The PSD is now in the opposition. Theoretically speaking, they can as well do nothing...   (19 afisari)
Vosganian becomes minister of economy
-- The calm before the storm
Yesterday Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu decided that Liberal senator Varujan Vosganian would become a minister of economy. A press release from the government announces the PM wrote to the Senate president Nicolae Vacaroiu and the Deputy Chamber president Bogdan Olteanu. The latter officials are to proceed to get the Parliament consent to the choice for the new minister of economy and commerce. Parliamentary committees...   (22 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
The price of setting Maria Vlas free
Bucharest Court of Appeal decided yesterday to revoke the precautionary arrest warrant against Ioana Maria Vlas because she is no longer "a danger for public order". Coincidence has it that magistrates' decision comes at the same time with the High Court's final and irrevocable decision that the case of the making of the BID (Bank for Investments and Development) should not be sent to the Constitutional Court, but returned to the Courthouse...   (22 afisari)
Romanian ambassador to Chishinau summoned home
The Romanian foreign minister has summoned Romania's Ambassador to Chishinau Filip Teodorescu to Bucharest for consulting, the BBC announces.
Seemingly, it is only because of one diplomacy incident, as Moldovan authorities reproached Romania for encouraging decisions against themselves. But this is actually related to the fact that President Voronin expressed the reproach the very day when the Russian foreign minister Serghei Lavrov was...   (21 afisari)
Council of Europe appeals for Ivantoc and Petrov-Popa again
The International Human Rights Day (December 10) means 13 years since Ilie Ilascu, Andrei Ivantoc and Tudor Petrov-Popa were sentenced by a 'so-called court' in Transdniestria. This information is included in an official release by Terry Davis, a general secretary of the Council of Europe.
The latter document says whereas Ilie Ilascu was set free after being sentenced to death, Andrei Ivantoc and Tudor Petrov-Popa are still illegally...   (15 afisari)
US soldiers to reach Romania in April 2007
1,500 Us soldiers are to reach the Mihail Kogalniceanu military base starting with next April and the Us is going to spend $ 34 million to modernize the headquarters to shelter the US troops. It was Colonel John Ingham, heading the Office for Romanian-American Military Cooperation for Defense, who announced it yesterday. According to the source, the US soldiers come from military bases in the US and Europe and they are to be regularly replaced....   (38 afisari)
Oprescu competes against Geoana in Sunday's Congress
-- Sorin Oprescu and Mircea Geoana are opponents in the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) Congress on Sunday. Party members are to elect their future president. All calculations show Mircea Geoana as favorite, at least theoretically.
In the previous PSD Congress the members proved that estimations don't usually match the outcome. At that time although the group in Cluj together with Viorel Hrebenciuc and Miron Mitrea had sworn to be loyal to...   (12 afisari)
Plan to boycott PLD
Tariceanu and the Liberals in power planned after Thursday's Permanent Delegation meeting to address Romanian courts with a series of appeals against the PLD (Liberal Democrat Party), a party the Stolojan-Stoica group is struggling to establish. Liberal sources say the Liberals are going to appeal against the future party's name and logo. They also claim the PM's men will also appeal against Stolojan's list of signatures expressing support for this new project, claiming...   (19 afisari)
Democrats to make feelings for PLD official
-- The National Coordination Council of the PD (Democrat Party) is to vote today for a resolution on collaboration with the new PLD (Liberal Democrat Party).
Democrat sources say the resolution will also include a warning for the PNL (National Liberal Party), as the Liberals will be demanded to settle their domestic disputes, which are harming both the act of governing and Romania's political stability.
The Democrat minister of transport Radu...   (14 afisari)
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