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  Nr. 3801 de vineri, 8 decembrie 2006 
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Plan B
The project plotted by President Basescu, Democrat Emil Boc and ex Liberal Theodor Stolojan, regarding the making of a wide presidential party, was launched yesterday. The project supported by the Liberals expelled from the PNL (National Liberal Party) is turning into the PLD (Liberal-Democrat Party). The Romanian President's former adviser announced it yesterday and he didn't care to hide his intentions at all: a partnership with the PD (Democrat Party), critique of the PNL initiatives,...   (38 afisari)
Tariceanu: PLD project is coordinated from someplace else
Calin Popescu Tariceanu, a PM of Romania and also a president of the PNL (National Liberal Party), opined before yesterday's reunion of the Permanent Delegation that by the announcing the making of a new political party Stolojan's group proved that their initial message expressing wish for solidarity in the PNL had been a lie. The PM commented: "As for the party's name and essence, you will see they are neither liberal nor democratic....   (19 afisari)
Politicians comment on newly made PLD
-- Boc: PD-PLD collaboration
Emil Boc, a president of the PD (Democrat Party), commented yesterday that his party would collaborate with the representatives of the party Theodor Stolojan launched yesterday in order to provide political and governmental stability and keep the electoral loyal to the Alliance in power. (...)
Boc argued that stability was to be sought not by means of joining the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) for new parliamentary majority,...   (20 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
CNSAS: Stanoiu collaborated with ex Securitate
Graphologic expertise proved that Rodica Stanoiu had written 18 information notes for the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania). After delays lasting for weeks, the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) decided yesterday that Rodica Stanoiu had collaborated with the political police under the Communist regime. CNSAS sources say 7 out of the 9 CNSAS board members attending yesterday's...   (23 afisari)
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Mafia close to 'Evenimentul Zilei'
The employees of the Ringier Company have a good time in the organized crime den. Liviu Tudor, a lieutenant of the gang in Bacau, is in the habit of robbing banks and threatening to kill people.
In today's newspaper you can read a report on a true organized crime case. The protagonists are the owners of the 'Novo Parc' Complex, which houses the offices of Ringier, to which the 'Evenimentul zilei' daily is affiliated. Liviu Tudor and the group...   (26 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Secasiu continues to head CNSAS
Yesterday the members of the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) board voted for one more mandate to be entrusted to Claudiu Secasiu so that he would continue as president of the institution. Constantin Buchet too will continue as board secretary. Members voted for Ladislau Csendes to become a vice president of the CNSAS.
According to Mircea Dinescu, the members decided that Liberal Claudiu Secasiu and...   (13 afisari)
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Bastroe project is still open case
The Bastroe project is still an open case for the Council of Europe. Late last month the Secretariat of the Bern Convention on the conservation of Europe's wild life and natural habitats Europe decided to send a letter to the Kiev government, demanding explanations on Ukraine authorities' decision to restart the project. The Romanian Ministry for Foreign Affairs has provided the information.
Ukraine officials will also have to present Bucharest...   (17 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanians to show identity cards to travel to Europe
Starting with 2007 the citizens of Romania may get to travel to all the EU states if they show their identity cards to the customs agents. Both Cyprus and the Czech Republic decided to admit Romanian identity cards. As for Sweden, Romanian authorities are still waiting for a reply. It was the Romanian interior minister Vasile Blaga who announced it yesterday. (...)
Still the Ministry of Internal Affairs recommends that Romanians...   (15 afisari)
Iliescu supports Oprescu
PSD (Social-Democrat Party) senator Ion Iliescu has recently expressed emotional support for Sorin Oprescu: "Emotionally, I would go for Sorin Oprescu. It is due to his experience. Unlike what they are trying to suggest, he is not a loser as a doctor. He is a fighter. In his confrontation with Traian Basescu when running for the City Hall of Bucharest, he got the best score. In his confrontation with the health minister Eugen Nicolaescu, the moral victory...   (20 afisari)
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