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  Nr. 3800 de joi, 7 decembrie 2006 
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A president watching TV
One Cotroceni Palace source told us what the President of Romania was doing yesterday afternoon. He was watching TV, remote control in one hand, the usual glass of whisky on the rocks in the other. He was neither cross nor concerned about the nation's state. On the contrary, he was having fun watching the news and waiting for the right time to start new offensive against the PNL (National Liberal Party). Not even himself knew when and how he was to take action....   (36 afisari)
Decision on Seres and Nagy is up to the President
The special committee entitled to analyze information on crimes committed by government members was summoned yesterday to look into the cases of Codrut Seres and Zsolt Nagy. Presidency spokeswoman Adriana Saftoiu announced it yesterday.
The Decision was reached because the General Attorney of Romania had asked for the opening of criminal inquiry against ministers Codrut Seres and Zsolt Nagy. The special committee to see to it was established...   (28 afisari)
President puts up with Motreanu
The President of Romania signed decree to name Liberal Dan Motreanu a minister of agriculture. Presidency adviser Adriana Saftoiu announced it yesterday.
Saftoiu mentioned that last Tuesday the Romanian PM had sent the documents on Motreanu to the President. But Saftoiu didn't announce when Motreau was to take the oaths. When asked about the President's view on the new minister, the spokeswoman answered: "The President will be able to present his decision...   (13 afisari)
Lavrov and Ungureanu at discord in Brussels
Although after his Monday meeting with the Russian foreign Minister Serghei Lavrov the Romanian foreign Minister Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu seemed relaxed, this bilateral meeting held during the OSCE Ministerial Council reunion sheltered talk on "unfriendly" issues.
The Foreign Ministry in Moscow issued a press release claiming that the Russian representative expressed deep concern about unfavorable factors accumulating in time and having a negative...   (26 afisari)
Geoana buys himself a victory
Mircea Geoana made sure that the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) would have a quiet congress. He persuaded Ion Iliescu into agreeing to become an honorary president of the party. Iliescu is going to be part of a National Executive Committee to include the leaders of local PSD branches. One more advantage of Geoana's is that those very influential leaders in his team are running for more mandates. Miron Mitrea wants to be a general secretary one more time and the...   (17 afisari)
Parliament to consent to choice for Vosganian
During their meeting with the Liberals, when analyzing the choices for the new ministers, the Liberals agreed that MPs should vote for or against Varujan Vosganian to become a vice prime minister.
Liberal sources claim they agree to this solution, since Dan Voiculescu's Conservatives have already promised to support Vosganian in the Parliament.
As for Democrat Mircea Toader, supposed to become a minister of economy, things...   (15 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Fortune of 'Octopus'
Bucharest district councilors from the PNL (National Liberal Party), the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and the PRM ("Great Romania" Party) have unveiled the crimes of Adrian Bold, architect-in-chief of Bucharest, and of his mistress Maria Bucur.
After getting this position in the City Hall of Bucharest Bold got rich. Maria Elena Bucur, formerly a business partner of his and now a mistress with whom Bold has got a child, bought several very expensive houses...   (27 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
IFJ president visited ZIUA
Aiden White, president of the International Federation of Journalists, visited the ZIUA offices yesterday. In his interview the IFJ official took up general matters of European press and of Romanian media in particular: pressure on journalists, journalists' collaboration with the secret services in the...   (28 afisari)
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