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  Nr. 3798 de marti, 5 decembrie 2006 
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A storm in a teacup
The Conservative Party quitted the government. Honestly speaking, I don't think there is someone missing them. I am neither expecting a huge political crisis to emerge the following days. Right now early elections aren't more imminent than they were one week ago. In one fundamental way, parliamentary calculations are the same: the majority wishes to continue the mandate instead of jeopardizing it by elections earlier than the case. It is only the PD (Democrat Party)...   (29 afisari)
An opportunity to seize
Because of the present interests of the main political players Romanian politics is about to explode. The Conservatives dumped the government for now, leaving Tariceanu's Cabinet without majority support in the Parliament. The Democrats want to get rid of the PM, the Liberals want early elections to get rid of Stolojan, but the idea that Tariceanu should continue as PM for 2 more years is a condition.
The Ministry of Economy and Commerce is one of the real issues...   (23 afisari)
Democrats want to govern together with Stolojan's group
The Democrats suggested to the Liberals yesterday not to search for solutions outside the Alliance in power. It was actually a hint at the rumor that the Liberals were secretly negotiating with the PSD (Social-Democrat Party). The Liberals didn't like it and replied to the Democrats that they shouldn't be talking about it, since they themselves had negotiated with the PSD on the leadership over the SRI (Romanian Intelligence Service)....   (21 afisari)
7 Conservatives resign at the same time
Only 7 members of the PC (Conservative Party) decided yesterday to resign from the government in a ceremony taking place in Victoria Palace, more exactly in the office of ex vice PM Bogdan Pascu. After the party had announced withdrawal from the government, Bogdan Pascu invited the 18 Conservatives in the government to write their resignations together at the same time and thus prove solidarity. But only 7 members of the PC decided to resign: ministers...   (21 afisari)
PSD doesn't support a minority government
The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) leader Mircea Geoana announced yesterday that his party wouldn't be supporting a minority government of officials from the Alliance in power and therefore the Social-Democrats wouldn't vote for the budget set for 2007. He also mentioned a PSD parliamentary motion against the government was likely to follow "at the right time."
Ion Iliescu mentioned just before Mircea Geoana's announcement that there could be found...   (15 afisari)
Transdniestria on the agenda
Against a background dominated by a "special interest" in the Dnister dispute, Romania has reiterated its support for the initiatives meant to settle it so that the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Moldovan Republic will be respected. While in Brussels yesterday the Romanian foreign minister Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu mentioned the need to firmly discourage the continuation of separatist attempts, as well as the referendum recently held...   (17 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Voiculescu to talk to Watson
Today the Romanian Conservatives' leader Dan Voiculescu is meeting with Graham Watson, leader of the Liberal-Democrat group in the Parliament of Europe, in Brussels. The latter official wants to talk to the PC (Conservative Party) leader about the reasons why the party quitted the government.
Sources say Graham Watson invited the PC leader to a meeting in order to analyze the present state of things in Romania. Still some PC sources claim several...   (14 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Vatican demands protection for St. Joseph Cathedral
Civil society initiatives meant to protect St. Joseph Cathedral in Bucharest against sharing the neighborhood with a 74 meter high building are getting closer to a denouement in favor of both the historical monument and Bucharest in general.
The Senate committee in charge of the Cathedral Plaza issue recommended the Romanian government should stop the project at once. The government decided yesterday to establish an interministy...   (20 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romania is no. 4 in corruption top
Romania shares the 4th position with Morocco, Russia, Ukraine and Cameroon in a top of those states with the most corrupted business field and governmental structures. Gallup released this 101-state top yesterday. (...)
Finland and Denmark are among the first states where corruption is perceived as modest. Romania is part of the 9-state group people describe as corrupted. Lithuania is top of the list as the most corrupted state. (...) (R....   (30 afisari)
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