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  Nr. 3791 de luni, 27 noiembrie 2006 
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High level mumbling
This is about the famous contract on the privatization of Petrom Company, which the state of Romania signed with the OMV. The latter is an Austrian company. They say the company would have had to lock their own equipment and offices in villages close to Vienna, had there been no such business. The fact is that the OMV was at advantage due to the business with Petrom. What about the state of Romania? Was it fooled? Were we fooled by a transaction many link with political...   (25 afisari)
PSD manipulated opinion polls
Mircea Geoana, president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), admitted his party would manipulate opinion polls while in power. Miron Mitrea made no comment on his boss's surprising statement, still Ion Iliescu could remember Vasile Dancu's " encouraging polls". The ex head of the Metromedia Transilvania opines this is a brick Geoana dropped. Alin Teodorescu, formerly a president of the IMAS pollster, claims the PSD leader was misinformed.
Last Saturday while...   (17 afisari)
Sky eye
In May 18, 2005 the Supreme Council for National Defense reached a decision to establish a National System of Monitoring Satellite Communication - MONSAT. The system is based on a set of projects drawn in both the US and Europe in the last decades.
It actually consists in a Romanian project that leaves room for allegations, but which can also be used on illegal purposes. Information Romanian specialists reach can get to people who will find means to use it beyond legislation....   (18 afisari)
Iliescu's warning
Ion Iliescu, formerly a president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), warned Marian Vanghelie that he would harm the PSD organization in Bucharest and therefore he would better stick to his mayor position.
Ion Iliescu met with Sorin Oprescu, Miron Mitrea si and more PSD leaders in Bucharest last Friday. And the ex president took this opportunity to deliver a speech against Vanghelie. Party sources claim he told the executive president of the PSD in Bucharest about...   (21 afisari)
PSD and Stolojan project adepts can get to collaborate
The adepts of the Stolojan project denied the idea of future collaboration with the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) yesterday, but they announced such decision was actually up to the attitude of Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu. Here is what Valeriu Stoica mentioned: "I want to tell you that we won't become the ally of the PSD on any account."
But the 31 PMs subscribing to the Stolojan-Stoica project threatened to join the opposition...   (18 afisari)
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Devil's lawyer
Mihai Berinde was supposed to put the OMV monopoly and the gas price raise to an end. Still the president of the Council of Competition preferred breaking the law and serving the interests of Nastase's Cabinet.
Had Berinde disobeyed the masters' will and denounced the contract on the privatization of Petrom Company, the Austrians wouldn't have had the means to have Romania and Romanian consumers at their feet. But the OMV made use of their illegally achieved...   (20 afisari)
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PM Tariceanu returns to Romania
Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu is to return to Romania today, four days after undergoing a knee surgery in a Bordeaux clinic. His recovery is to continue in the country. The PM is feeling well. He is working and he is connected to what is going on in Romania. This is why Oana Marinescu, spokeswoman for the Romanian government, said yesterday. She added that examination showed the PM was excellently recovering.
The PM is to settle several...   (17 afisari)
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Orban to be tested in Brussels
Today the future EU Commissioner for Romania Ludovic Orban together with the future EU Commissioner from Bulgaria Meglena Kuneva are to undergo hearing in the Parliament of Europe I Brussels. Ludovic Orban is to take over multilingualism and Meglena Kuneva is to get the consumer protection.
Both commissioners are to be asked questions by experts' committees in the Parliament of Europe. The Committee for Culture and Education as well as member...   (15 afisari)
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Street protests for religious symbols in schools
Emil Moise teaches philosophy in the district of Buzau and he announced his determination to address the European Court of Human Rights so that the display of religious symbols in schools would be banned. Yesterday at least 100 people in Buzau went out on streets to protest against the idea. Valerian Tuclea, also a teacher, said the elimination of Christian icons from schools would be an "illegitimate and anti-Romanian decision."...   (27 afisari)
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