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  Nr. 3787 de miercuri, 22 noiembrie 2006 
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The PNL as prey
The Traian Basescu group's operation to confiscate the PNL (National Liberal Party) through Stolojan is in full swing. Whether out of diplomacy or weakness, Tariceanu has started to surrender. First he agreed to meet with Stolojan's group for assault and then he put up with the extraordinary congress idea. Is this weakness? Is he about to lose the PNL for good? Have his allies in the party dumped him? Or is he plotting a counteroffensive to end disputes on the leadership...   (26 afisari)
The great betrayal
Yesterday evening ZIUA reached the secret contract on the privatization of the OMV-Petrom Company. It was provided by deputy Aurelian Pavelescu. Last year the latter MP pointed to the scandalous deal by which the Romanian state gave up its national oil and gad reserves. What the ZIUA Anti-Fraud Department assumed when the whole press scandal burst out has proved true: by its numerous clauses, the contract touches upon national security. The 464-page document together...   (40 afisari)
Basescu: "They give the money, we distribute it"
Yesterday journalists asked the President of Romania Traian Basescu if he was intending to sanction those who had reached contracts harmful for Romania, such as the privatization of Petrom Company. The President replied: "This is a forum on energy, not on criminality."
Traian Basescu attended yesterday conference "Energy in Central and Eastern Europe", arguing that Romania's energy policy on long term would have to mean no dependence on...   (32 afisari)
Offensive against Christian symbols
The CNCD (National Council to Fight Discrimination) has agreed to the initiative of Professor Moise, who can no longer bear Christian symbols on the walls of school classrooms.
The CNCD decision to do away with religious symbols from education institutions, turned into a "recommendation" compulsory for the Ministry of Education and Research, is throwing us back into the dark times of atheist communism, thus breaking the rights of more than 20 million...   (27 afisari)
Total war in PNL
Instead of calming things down, yesterday's meeting between Tariceanu and Stolojan started a true battle within in the PNL (National Liberal Party). The meeting itself turned into a sharp confrontation. Instead of reconciliation, it poured some gas onto the fire. The PM came accompanied by the PNL general secretary Dan Motreanu, ex defense minister Teodor Atanasiu, senator Paul Pacuraru, the Liberal leader in Iasi called Relu Fenechiu and the leader on the Liberals in...   (28 afisari)
PM wants to get rid of minister Flutur
The Executive Committee of the PNL (National Liberal Party) decided yesterday afternoon to leave the Romanian agriculture minister Gheorghe Flutur without political support. The PNL officials opined an extraordinary congress should be summoned.
PM Tariceanu explained that those Liberals close to Stolojan could join the PNL again only if obeying the party's status. He mentioned: "They may return only if they respect the status. We don't...   (18 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Minister Seres keeps list secret
Conservative Codrut Seres, a Romanian minister of economy, is determined not to unveil the names of those trying to persuade him into facilitating certain energy contracts. He claimed yesterday that, although he knew a lot because he was a minister, he was not entitled to producing evidence, since this was the attribution of the secret services, of more state institutions and even of the media. Yesterday he put it plainly: "I am ostentatiously...   (21 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romania and democracy
In the EIU (Economy Intelligence Unit) top on degrees of democracy Romania comes the 50th. It is in the first half of the 167-state top, part of the category of democracies with weak points, together with states like Panama, Jamaica, Trinidad-Tobago, as well as with Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia and Lithuania. (...) (A.M.L.)   (23 afisari)
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 Marea tradare (7926 afisari)
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 Doinea Cornea: Basescu, specialist in distrugerea partidelor istorice (2935 afisari)
 Prada PNL (2464 afisari)
 Atac la icoane (2128 afisari)
 Gheorghe Flutur, ministru pana diseara (261 afisari)
 Parintele Calciu Dumitreasa va fi inmormantat in tara (141 afisari)
 Steaua merge mai departe in Cupa UEFA (33 afisari)
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